DS emulator, a real one.
This a fork of the original melonDS with a single unique difference : a new icon. It was built and tested on macOS ARM64 (Apple Silicon). You can also build it from source with the shiny new icon. See the wiki for instructions.
- New icon, obviously.
- Native ARM64 build.
- Believe or not, built-in Nintendo WFC (Not my work though, not taking credits for it)
- Home menu boot requires a BIOS/firmware dump from an original DS or DS Lite.
- DS firmwares dumped from a DSi or 3DS aren't bootable and only contain configuration data, thus they are only suitable when booting games directly.
- As of today, there is no gamelist on melonDS, just open your .nds file directly to load a game.
- 128KB: DSi/3DS DS-mode firmware (reduced size due to lacking bootcode)
- 256KB: regular DS firmware
- 512KB: iQue DS firmware
DS BIOS dumps from a DSi or 3DS can be used with no compatibility issues. DSi BIOS dumps (in DSi mode) are not compatible. Or maybe they are. I don't know.
As for the rest, the interface should be pretty straightforward. If you have a question, don't hesitate to ask, fill an issue or pull a request!
- Install the Homebrew Package Manager
- Install dependencies:
brew install git pkg-config cmake sdl2 qt@6 libarchive enet zstd
- Download the melonDS repository and prepare:
git clone https://github.com/melonDS-emu/melonDS cd melonDS
- Compile:
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$(brew --prefix qt@6);$(brew --prefix libarchive)" cmake --build build -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu)
If everything goes well, melonDS.app should now be in the build
If you want an app bundle that can be distributed to other computers without needing to install dependencies through Homebrew, you can additionally run ../tools/mac-libs.rb .
after the build is completed, or add -DMACOS_BUNDLE_LIBS=ON
to the first CMake command.
- Martin for GBAtek, a good piece of documentation
- Cydrak for the extra 3D GPU research
limittoxvale on macOSicons for the icon- All of you comrades who have been testing melonDS, reporting issues, suggesting shit, etc
melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- Images used in the Input Config Dialog - see
- Used the original Nintendo Font for the new icon because why not.