ownCloud share tools is an set of tools that provide access to the ownCloud OCS Share API. In this repository you will find the command line client, GUI and Python library for interfacing with ownCloud shares.
Python 3 PyQt5 requests
To install these on a debian based system, sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pyqt5 python-requests
Run python3 setup.py install
ownCloud-share-tools running on Linux as a Thunar custom action.
The GUI is designed to be used as a file browser action. To add the GUI to Thunar, open Thunar and click edit, configure custom actions, click add then in the command box enter
ocsharetools --user YourUserName --pass YourPassword --url http://example.com/owncloud gui --path %F
If you are connecting to an OwnCloud server that uses self-signed certificates enter
ocsharetools --user YourUserName --pass YourPassword --url http://example.com/owncloud gui --disable-ssl-verification --path %F
All the other text boxes can be set to whatever you want, although setting the name to ownCloud and using the ownCloud icon is recommended.
$ ocsharetools --help
usage: ocsharetools.py [-h] --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --url URL
{getshares,getshare,create,update,delete,gui} ...
Perform OCS Share API calls
positional arguments:
Available commands
getshares get Shares from a specific file or folder
getshare get a single share by id
create create a share
update update a share
delete delete a share by id
gui run gui
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--username USERNAME Your OwnCloud username
--password PASSWORD Your OwnCloud password
--url URL Your OwnCloud url, eg https://example.com/owncloud/
Disables SSL verification, eg when the OwnCloud server
is using self-signed certificates
######Examples: Get a list of shares
ocsharetools --user Bob --pass secret --url http://example.com/ownCloud getshares
Create a public share link with a password
ocsharetools --user Bob --pass secret --url http://example.com/ownCloud create --path /NewDocument.odt --share-type=3 --share-password secret
Create a share with a user
ocsharetools --user Bob --pass secret --url http://example.com/ownCloud create --path /NewDocument.odt --share-type=0 --share-with=Steve
Create a share with a group
ocsharetools --user Bob --pass secret --url http://example.com/ownCloud create --path /NewDocument.odt --share-type=1 --share-with=Developers
Delete a share (ID number is obtained from getshares command)
ocsharetools --user Bob --pass secret --url http://example.com/ownCloud delete 32
Update a share a share (ID number is obtained from getshares command), setting an expiry date
ocsharetools --user Bob --pass secret --url http://example.com/ownCloud update 32 --expire-date "31-01-2015"
Get a list of shares on a server that uses self-signed certificats for SSL encryption
ocsharetools --user Bob --pass secret --url http://example.com/ownCloud --disable-ssl-verification getshares
# First off, import the library
from ocsharetools import *
# Initialise the library with your url, username and password
ocs = OCShareAPI('http://example.com/ownCloud', 'Bob', 'secret')
# Create a share
share = ocs.create_share(path='/NewDocument.odt', share_type=3)
# Print share URL
# Set the expiry date to tomorrow.
import datetime
date = datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
# Delete the share
If the connection to the OwnCloud server refuses to work with the error message similar to
requests.exceptions.SSLError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:598)
then the server is most likely using a self-signed certificate, which cannot be verified. In this case use the --disable-ssl-verification command line option, eg for listing the shares on the server use
ocsharetools.py --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --url URL --disable-ssl-verification getshares