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Opalium edited this page Dec 29, 2013 · 2 revisions

Your config.json file in the Starrybound folder contains all of the variables you need to edit in order to configure your server. The only exception is the default world coordinates which is still located in the starbound.config file.

Configuration Values

  • serverPort: The port that the starbound server runs on (Default: 21024)
  • proxyIP: The proxy server's bind address (Default: - All addresses)
  • proxyPort: The port that the proxy should run on (Default: 21025)
  • proxyPass: Server password, optional (Default: )
  • passwordRounds: Number of times the server password should be hashed (Default: 5000)
  • maxClients: Maximum number of clients allowed, proxy will add +10 to the limit as reserved slots for admins (Default: 25)
  • logFile: Name of the proxy log file (Default: proxy.log)
  • logLevel: Minimum log level for logging to the file and console (Default: 2 - Info)
  • allowSpaces: Toggles the ability to allow characters with spaces in the username (Default: true)
  • allowSymbols: Toggles the ability to allow characters special symbols (non-alphanumeric) in the username (Default: false RECOMMENDED) [It is NOT recommended to change this, change at your own risk]
  • freeFuelForNewPlayers: Toggles the ability for new players to use /fuel for one-time fuel allowance, recommended for spawn protected servers. (Default: true)
  • [DEVEL] starterItems: Sets a list of one-time starting items that can be given to new users using /starteritems. Items should be specificed as their object name (as found in the game files): for instance, coal would be "coalore". To give multiple copies of an item, use an * and then the amount. For instance, to give 5 coal ores, use "coalore*5". Leave empty to disable. (Default: empty)
  • spawnWorldProtection: Protects the spawn planet, if a planet is set using defaultWorldCoordinate and useDefaultWorldCoordinate is true (Default: false)
  • sectors: List of valid sectors on the server, used for location parsing (Default: ["alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta", "sectorx"]) [It is NOT recommended to change this, change at your own risk]
  • allowModdedClients: Allows the ability to allow modded clients on the server (Default: true) [Please be aware: ANY modifications to the assets folder on the client will render them unable to connect if this is set to false]
  • enableGeoIP: Unused (Default: false)
  • maxFailedConnections: Number of failed connections allowed before the server is considered unavailable and flagged to restart (Default: 3)
  • projectileBlacklist: List of projectiles that are expressly prohibited on the server (Default: [""]) [This disables the projectiles for ALL users including admins]
  • projectileBlacklistSpawn: List of projectiles that are expressly prohibited on the spawn planet only (Default: [""])
  • enableCallback: Sends server information to the Avilance Ltd. callback server (Default: true) [Data sent includes: proxyPort, versionNumber, protocolVersion, maxSlots, clientCount and if the server is running using mono]

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