Note: The Build Action
of the images files contained in icons
folder should be changed to Content
from the default value of Resource
using AviarySDK;
stream (required):
Stream object describing the input image. (required)
ThemeColor (optional):
you can choose a custom color for change the theme color of the UI inside the editor. The default value is "32a9ff".
features (optional):
features controls the visibility of tools when editor is launched. The default is to show all
For example:
List<AviaryFeature> features=new List<AviaryFeature>();
originalFileName (optional):
If the stream is from an existing file, specifying this will allow the editor to extract any EXIF information to determine its orientation.
If the file came from Choose Photo or Take photo. The original file could be extracted as:
//e: PhotoResult of Choose Photo,Take Photo
Stream stream =e.ChosenPhoto;
String originalFile= e.OriginalFileName
AviaryTask aviaryTask = new AviaryTask(stream, features,themeColor: "FF0000", originalFileName: originalFile);
// aviaryTask_Completed is the call back function after the editor completed the photo edit.
aviaryTask.Completed += new EventHandler<AviaryTaskResultArgs>(aviaryTask_Completed);
// finishedBitmap - the final processed image that is passed back from the SDK
void aviaryTask_Completed(object sender, AviaryTaskResultArgs e)
if (e.AviaryResult== AviaryResult.OK)
// / Deal with the return image here.
///e.PhotoResult is AviarySDK handled image
// BTW, we decide to pass WritebaleBitmap for ease of saving to photo Album
//#4.3 Public method 1.
Public method 1..
void aviaryTask_Error(Exception ex)
if (ex == null)
if (ex.Message == AviaryError.StreamNull)
// Input stream can't be null
else if (ex.Message == AviaryError.FeaturesEmpty)
// Features list determines which tools are exposed in the Aviary editor and cannot be null or empty
else if (ex.Message == AviaryError.ImageBig)
// The image cannot exceed 8 mega pixels
else if (ex.Message == AviaryError.AdjustmentsEmpty)
// The adjustment array passed into Photo Genius Apply is not valid.
// The array must be of 4 float values and the array can't be empty or null
// This is to handle any error thrown by the system
To execute the AviaryPhotoGeniusScores
in the SDK, you need to do the following inside the source code.
using AviarySDK;
AviaryPhotoGeniusScores aviaryPhotoGenius = new AviaryPhotoGeniusScores(stream);
aviaryPhotoGenius.Completed+=new EventHandler<AviaryPhotoGeniusScoresResultArgs>(aviaryPhotoGenius_Completed);
// finishedBitmap - the final processed image that is passed back from the SDK
void aviaryPhotoGenius_Completed(object sender, AviaryPhotoGeniusScoresResultArgs e)
if (e.AviaryResult== AviaryResult.OK)
e.Predicts is the predicted data
e.Scores is the score on each parameters
e.TotalScoreis the total score of the image
//#4.3 Public method 1.
Parameters returned by prediction:
Predicts[0] = Contrast prediction [-100, 100]
Predicts[1] = Brightness prediction [-50, 50]
Predicts[2] = Saturation prediction [0, 2]
Predicts[3] = Sharpness prediction [-100, 100]
Scores returns how close it is to prediction...100 is perfection
Scores[0] = Contrast score [0, 100]
Scores[0] = Brightness score [0, 100]
Scores[0] = Saturation score [0, 100]
Scores[0] = Sharpness score [0, 100]
TotalScore = Overall score vs prediction [0, 100]
To execute the AviaryPhotoGeniusApply
in the SDK, you need to do the following inside the source code.
using AviarySDK;
To invoke the AviaryPhotoGeniusApply
in the SDK, you need to do the following:
AviaryPhotoGeniusApply aviaryPhotoGenius = new AviaryPhotoGeniusApply(stream, new float[4]);
aviaryPhotoGenius.Completed += new EventHandler<AviaryPhotoGeniusApplyResultArgs>(aviaryPhotoGenius_Completed);
void aviaryPhotoGenius_Completed(object sender, AviaryPhotoGeniusApplyResultArgs e)
if (e.AviaryResult== AviaryResult.OK)
///e.PhotoResult is AviarySDK handled image
//#4.3 Public method 1.
Parameters used for photo genius correction:
Predicts[0] = Contrast value [-100, 100]
Predicts[1] = Brightness value [-50, 50]
Predicts[2] = Saturation value [0, 2]
Predicts[3] = Sharpness value [-100, 100]
Inside the AviarySDK editor, the GestureService from the Silverlight Toolkit is being used, described in Windows Phone Toolkit - Nov 2011 (7.1 SDK). However, there is a known issue that this service will conflict with another system control, Slider. Please read more about this issue and the resolution at Although the conflict inside the AviarySDK is resolved, it is still a potential conflict with Slider used in the host application. If the host application is using the Slider control, it is recommended that the developer resolve the conflict inside the host application as per the link article above.