Hacking by the sea 2022 - Team 10
For this project a specific version of python is required. This version is Python 2.7.10 32-bit. This can be downloaded from here: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2710/ You will need the X86 installer for windows.
Download the Python 2.7 SDK (zip file) from the following website: https://www.softbankrobotics.com/emea/en/support/pepper-naoqi-2-9/downloads-softwares/former-versions?category=108 Extract the zip file and open the folder. Copy the three folders inside the folder to a new folder of your choice. Create a new environmental variable called "PYTHONPATH" and set the value to the path of the newly created folder. Now you should be able to import naoqi in python.
Official docs: https://developer.softbankrobotics.com/pepper-naoqi-25/naoqi-developer-guide/sdks/python-sdk/python-sdk-installation-guide
https://github.com/cltl/pepper and https://github.com/leolani/pepper