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Qbittorrent existing torrent checking updates
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Audionut committed Aug 17, 2024
1 parent 483f989 commit 13af3b5
Showing 1 changed file with 149 additions and 125 deletions.
274 changes: 149 additions & 125 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -66,165 +66,189 @@ async def add_to_client(self, meta, tracker):

async def find_existing_torrent(self, meta):
if meta.get('client', None) == None:
default_torrent_client = self.config['DEFAULT']['default_torrent_client']
default_torrent_client = meta['client']
if meta.get('client', None) == 'none' or default_torrent_client == 'none':
# Determine the default torrent client
default_torrent_client = meta.get('client') or self.config['DEFAULT']['default_torrent_client']

if default_torrent_client == 'none':
return None
client = self.config['TORRENT_CLIENTS'][default_torrent_client]
torrent_storage_dir = client.get('torrent_storage_dir', None)
torrent_client = client.get('torrent_client', None).lower()
if torrent_storage_dir == None and torrent_client != "watch":

client = self.config['TORRENT_CLIENTS'].get(default_torrent_client)
torrent_storage_dir = client.get('torrent_storage_dir')
torrent_client = client.get('torrent_client', '').lower()

if torrent_storage_dir is None and torrent_client != "watch":
console.print(f'[bold red]Missing torrent_storage_dir for {default_torrent_client}')
return None
elif not os.path.exists(str(torrent_storage_dir)) and torrent_client != "watch":
console.print(f"[bold red]Invalid torrent_storage_dir path: [bold yellow]{torrent_storage_dir}")
torrenthash = None
if torrent_storage_dir != None and os.path.exists(torrent_storage_dir):
if meta.get('torrenthash', None) != None:
valid, torrent_path = await self.is_valid_torrent(meta, f"{torrent_storage_dir}/{meta['torrenthash']}.torrent", meta['torrenthash'], torrent_client, print_err=True)
if valid:
torrenthash = meta['torrenthash']
elif meta.get('ext_torrenthash', None) != None:
valid, torrent_path = await self.is_valid_torrent(meta, f"{torrent_storage_dir}/{meta['ext_torrenthash']}.torrent", meta['ext_torrenthash'], torrent_client, print_err=True)
if valid:
torrenthash = meta['ext_torrenthash']
if torrent_client == 'qbit' and torrenthash == None and client.get('enable_search') == True:
torrenthash = await self.search_qbit_for_torrent(meta, client)
if not torrenthash:
console.print("[bold yellow]No Valid .torrent found")
if not torrenthash:
return None
return None # Ensure the function exits if the path is invalid

# Attempt to find the torrent file using available hashes
torrenthash = meta.get('torrenthash') or meta.get('ext_torrenthash')
if torrenthash and os.path.exists(torrent_storage_dir):
torrent_path = f"{torrent_storage_dir}/{torrenthash}.torrent"
valid2, torrent_path = await self.is_valid_torrent(meta, torrent_path, torrenthash, torrent_client, print_err=False)
if valid2:
valid, torrent_path = await self.is_valid_torrent(meta, torrent_path, torrenthash, torrent_client, print_err=True)
if valid:
return torrent_path

# If no valid torrent was found and qBit search is enabled, search in qBittorrent
if torrent_client == 'qbit' and client.get('enable_search'):
torrenthash = await self.search_qbit_for_torrent(meta, client)
if torrenthash:
torrent_path = f"{torrent_storage_dir}/{torrenthash}.torrent"
valid2, torrent_path = await self.is_valid_torrent(meta, torrent_path, torrenthash, torrent_client, print_err=False)
if valid2:
return torrent_path

console.print("[bold yellow]No Valid .torrent found")
return None

async def is_valid_torrent(self, meta, torrent_path, torrenthash, torrent_client, print_err=False):
valid = False
wrong_file = False
err_print = ""
if torrent_client in ('qbit', 'deluge'):
torrenthash = torrenthash.lower().strip()
torrent_path = torrent_path.replace(torrenthash.upper(), torrenthash)
elif torrent_client == 'rtorrent':
torrenthash = torrenthash.upper().strip()
torrent_path = torrent_path.replace(torrenthash.upper(), torrenthash)
if meta['debug']:
# Normalize torrent hash based on client type
torrenthash = torrenthash.lower().strip() if torrent_client in ('qbit', 'deluge') else torrenthash.upper().strip()
torrent_path = torrent_path.replace(torrenthash.upper(), torrenthash)

if meta.get('debug'):
if os.path.exists(torrent_path):
torrent =
# Reuse if disc and basename matches
if meta.get('is_disc', None) != None:
torrent_filepath = os.path.commonpath(torrent.files)
if os.path.basename(meta['path']) in torrent_filepath:
valid = True
# If one file, check for folder
if len(torrent.files) == len(meta['filelist']) == 1:
if os.path.basename(torrent.files[0]) == os.path.basename(meta['filelist'][0]):
if str(torrent.files[0]) == os.path.basename(torrent.files[0]):
valid = True
wrong_file = True
# Check if number of files matches number of videos
elif len(torrent.files) == len(meta['filelist']):
torrent_filepath = os.path.commonpath(torrent.files)
actual_filepath = os.path.commonpath(meta['filelist'])
local_path, remote_path = await self.remote_path_map(meta)
if local_path.lower() in meta['path'].lower() and local_path.lower() != remote_path.lower():
actual_filepath = torrent_path.replace(local_path, remote_path)
actual_filepath = torrent_path.replace(os.sep, '/')
if meta['debug']:
console.log(f"torrent_filepath: {torrent_filepath}")
console.log(f"actual_filepath: {actual_filepath}")
if torrent_filepath in actual_filepath:
valid = True

if not os.path.exists(torrent_path):
console.print(f'[bold yellow]{torrent_path} was not found')
return False, torrent_path

torrent =
valid = await self.check_torrent_validity(meta, torrent)
wrong_file = self.check_wrong_file(meta, torrent)

if valid:
if os.path.exists(torrent_path):
reuse_torrent =
if (reuse_torrent.pieces >= 7000 and reuse_torrent.piece_size < 8388608) or (reuse_torrent.pieces >= 4000 and reuse_torrent.piece_size < 4194304): # Allow up to 7k pieces at 8MiB or 4k pieces at 4MiB or less
err_print = "[bold yellow]Too many pieces exist in current hash. REHASHING"
valid = False
elif reuse_torrent.piece_size < 32768:
err_print = "[bold yellow]Piece size too small to reuse"
valid = False
elif wrong_file == True:
err_print = "[bold red] Provided .torrent has files that were not expected"
valid = False
err_print = f'[bold green]REUSING .torrent with infohash: [bold yellow]{torrenthash}'
valid = not self.check_piece_constraints(torrent)
if valid and not wrong_file:
console.print(f'[bold green]REUSING .torrent with infohash: [bold yellow]{torrenthash}')
valid = False
err_print = '[bold yellow]Unwanted Files/Folders Identified'
if print_err:
console.print('[bold yellow]Unwanted Files/Folders Identified')

if wrong_file:
console.print("[bold red] Provided .torrent has files that were not expected")

if print_err and not valid:
console.print("[bold yellow]Too many pieces exist or other validation failed. REHASHING")

return valid, torrent_path

async def check_torrent_validity(self, meta, torrent):
# Check if the torrent matches the expected metadata
if meta.get('is_disc'):
return os.path.basename(meta['path']) in os.path.commonpath(torrent.files)

if len(torrent.files) == len(meta['filelist']) == 1:
return os.path.basename(torrent.files[0]) == os.path.basename(meta['filelist'][0]) and str(torrent.files[0]) == os.path.basename(torrent.files[0])

if len(torrent.files) == len(meta['filelist']):
torrent_filepath = os.path.commonpath(torrent.files)
actual_filepath = os.path.commonpath(meta['filelist'])
local_path, remote_path = await self.remote_path_map(meta)
if local_path.lower() in meta['path'].lower() and local_path.lower() != remote_path.lower():
actual_filepath = torrent_filepath.replace(local_path, remote_path)
actual_filepath = actual_filepath.replace(os.sep, '/')
if meta.get('debug'):
console.log(f"torrent_filepath: {torrent_filepath}")
console.log(f"actual_filepath: {actual_filepath}")
return torrent_filepath in actual_filepath

return False

def check_wrong_file(self, meta, torrent):
# Check if the torrent contains unexpected files
if len(torrent.files) == len(meta['filelist']) == 1:
return os.path.basename(torrent.files[0]) != os.path.basename(meta['filelist'][0])
return False

def check_piece_constraints(self, torrent):
# Check piece constraints to decide if the torrent is reusable
if (torrent.pieces >= 7000 and torrent.piece_size < 8388608) or (torrent.pieces >= 4000 and torrent.piece_size < 4194304):
return True
if torrent.piece_size < 32768:
return True
return False

async def search_qbit_for_torrent(self, meta, client):
console.print("[green]Searching qbittorrent for an existing .torrent")
torrent_storage_dir = client.get('torrent_storage_dir', None)
if torrent_storage_dir == None and client.get("torrent_client", None) != "watch":
torrent_storage_dir = client.get('torrent_storage_dir')

if not torrent_storage_dir and client.get("torrent_client") != "watch":
console.print(f"[bold red]Missing torrent_storage_dir for {self.config['DEFAULT']['default_torrent_client']}")
return None

qbt_client = qbittorrentapi.Client(host=client['qbit_url'], port=client['qbit_port'], username=client['qbit_user'], password=client['qbit_pass'], VERIFY_WEBUI_CERTIFICATE=client.get('VERIFY_WEBUI_CERTIFICATE', True))
qbt_client = qbittorrentapi.Client(
except qbittorrentapi.LoginFailed:
console.print("[bold red]INCORRECT QBIT LOGIN CREDENTIALS")
except (qbittorrentapi.LoginFailed, qbittorrentapi.APIConnectionError) as e:
console.print(f"[bold red]Error connecting to qBittorrent: {str(e)}")
return None
except qbittorrentapi.APIConnectionError:
console.print("[bold red]APIConnectionError: INCORRECT HOST/PORT")
except Exception as e:
console.print(f"[bold red]Unexpected error during qBittorrent connection: {str(e)}")
return None

# Remote path map if needed
remote_path_map = False
local_path, remote_path = await self.remote_path_map(meta)
if local_path.lower() in meta['path'].lower() and local_path.lower() != remote_path.lower():
remote_path_map = True
remote_path_map, local_path, remote_path = await self.handle_remote_path_mapping(meta)

torrents =
for torrent in torrents:
torrent_path = torrent.get('content_path', f"{torrent.save_path}{}")
except AttributeError:
if meta['debug']:
if remote_path_map:
torrent_path = torrent_path.replace(remote_path, local_path)
torrent_path = torrent_path.replace(os.sep, '/').replace('/', os.sep)

if meta['is_disc'] in ("", None) and len(meta['filelist']) == 1:
if torrent_path == meta['filelist'][0] and len(torrent.files) == len(meta['filelist']):
valid, torrent_path = await self.is_valid_torrent(meta, f"{torrent_storage_dir}/{torrent.hash}.torrent", torrent.hash, 'qbit', print_err=False)
if valid:
console.print(f"[green]Found a matching .torrent with hash: [bold yellow]{torrent.hash}")
return torrent.hash
elif meta['path'] == torrent_path:
valid, torrent_path = await self.is_valid_torrent(meta, f"{torrent_storage_dir}/{torrent.hash}.torrent", torrent.hash, 'qbit', print_err=False)
if valid:
console.print(f"[green]Found a matching .torrent with hash: [bold yellow]{torrent.hash}")
torrents =
for torrent in torrents:
torrent_path = self.get_torrent_path(torrent, meta, remote_path_map, local_path, remote_path)
if torrent_path and await self.is_matching_torrent(meta, torrent, torrent_path, torrent_storage_dir):
return torrent.hash
return None

except Exception as e:
console.print(f"[bold red]Unexpected error during torrent search: {str(e)}")
if meta.get('debug'):

return None

async def handle_remote_path_mapping(self, meta):
remote_path_map = False
local_path, remote_path = await self.remote_path_map(meta)
if local_path.lower() in meta['path'].lower() and local_path.lower() != remote_path.lower():
remote_path_map = True
return remote_path_map, local_path, remote_path

def get_torrent_path(self, torrent, meta, remote_path_map, local_path, remote_path):
torrent_path = torrent.get('content_path', f"{torrent.save_path}{}")
except AttributeError:
if meta.get('debug'):
return None

if remote_path_map:
torrent_path = torrent_path.replace(remote_path, local_path)
torrent_path = torrent_path.replace(os.sep, '/').replace('/', os.sep)

return torrent_path

async def is_matching_torrent(self, meta, torrent, torrent_path, torrent_storage_dir):
if meta['is_disc'] in ("", None) and len(meta['filelist']) == 1:
if torrent_path == meta['filelist'][0] and len(torrent.files) == len(meta['filelist']):
return await self.verify_torrent(torrent, torrent_storage_dir)
elif meta['path'] == torrent_path:
return await self.verify_torrent(torrent, torrent_storage_dir)
return False

async def verify_torrent(self, torrent, torrent_storage_dir):
valid, torrent_path = await self.is_valid_torrent(meta, f"{torrent_storage_dir}/{torrent.hash}.torrent", torrent.hash, 'qbit', print_err=False)
if valid:
console.print(f"[green]Found a matching .torrent with hash: [bold yellow]{torrent.hash}")
return True
return False

def rtorrent(self, path, torrent_path, torrent, meta, local_path, remote_path, client):
rtorrent = xmlrpc.client.Server(client['rtorrent_url'], context=ssl._create_stdlib_context())
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