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Releases: AtlasOfLivingAustralia/spatial-hub


06 Jun 03:02
Choose a tag to compare


  • Remove private species list option.
  • Add object id to the area info box.


01 Nov 03:19
Choose a tag to compare
  • fix text km to m for nearest locality download
  • change geospatial_kosher to spatiallyValid
  • new species lists are now private by default
  • fix custom facets parsing
  • support Fathom analytics
  • remove obsolete menu items
  • remove World option for area reports
  • remove obsolete predefined layer lists
  • fix for multiple area selection
  • fix checklist export when using an uploaded shapefile
  • fix Flickr images
  • fix layer style selection dropdrown
  • align export -> points with current downloads plugin

2.0.0 release

08 May 03:36
Choose a tag to compare

Grails 5 updates.
Update integration tests to fit available layers changes


10 Oct 23:45
Choose a tag to compare
  • OIDC
  • Fix interactive area report
  • Fix site images


1.0.1 Release

07 Dec 03:14
Choose a tag to compare

Fix logging on Tomcat

1.0.0 Release

05 Nov 01:22
Choose a tag to compare

#420 Grails 4 upgrade

#416 Fix creating a species list for importing

#AtlasOfLivingAustralia/spatial-service#183 Using post to pass a large number of points for intersection

#423 Fix a missing style of wms in legend

#345 Return a meaning error when importing areas failed

#426 Returning a meaningful error when a invalid wkt is uploaded

#413 Fix missed qid of threatened species in interactive report


12 Jul 01:46
Choose a tag to compare

#396 Implement functional tests for SP
#390 Fix CORS error and authentication missing issue
#380 Display error message when we import handling SHP/KML area
#392 Display error message when we apply a filter/prefix on a numeric field in Facet query
#403 Spatial options not displayed on AOO/EOO wizard UI
#332 Implement or fix caching of common ui head.html file
#398 Failed to create environmental envelope

AtlasOfLivingAustralia/layers-store#12 Downloading occurrences will cause infinite loop when occurrences > 1M Hotfix

12 May 03:27
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fix interactive area report for species group Fishes.
  • Update default maximum for species date filter.
  • Support a wider variety of index/fields data types as ranged facets.


23 Apr 00:28
Choose a tag to compare

#388 Missing urls in legacy saved sessions
#379 set default area to the new created area
AtlasOfLivingAustralia/spatial-service#155 Passing user id and apikey via headers
#384 Show Favicon on the tab
#383 Remove duplicated element id warning on JS console
#374 Popup warning if user does not select any spatially related options
#344 Fix missing contextual layer legend classes and selection mapping issues

Improve error handler:
#380. Importing area from KML failed without notification
AtlasOfLivingAustralia/spatial-service#165 AooEoo failed without notification
#345 Importing area from SHP failed without notification