Note: This repository is a work in progress.
This repository contains a number of Helm charts for deploying Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) components to a Kubernetes cluster.
- Kubernetes 1.12+
- Helm 3.12.2+
- Persistent Volume provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure
These charts have been tested on EKS
Application configuration files (Yaml, properties and JSON files) first need to be generated using ansible. This is done using ansible using ala-install. See ala-install repository
ala-data-generator --data=/data --inv=~/dev/ansible-inventories/ generate collectory
ala-data-generator --data=/data --inv=~/dev/ansible-inventories/ generate bie
Once generated, they can be uploaded to kubernetes using the kubectl create configmap
kubectl create configmap collectory-config --from-file=/data/generated-config/collectory/config
kubectl create configmap biocache-config --from-file=/data/ansible-generated/biocache/config/
kubectl create configmap bie-index-config --from-file=/data/ansible-generated/bie-index/config/
kubectl create configmap species-lists-config --from-file=/data/ansible-generated/specieslist-webapp/config/
kubectl create configmap ala-hub-config --from-file=/data/ansible-generated/ala-hub/config/
To add the ala
Helm repository, run the following command:
helm repo add ala
This helm chart creates a persistent volume claims for the databases and indexes which use standard helm charts that rely on existing volume claims.
helm install ala-storage ala/ala-storage -f common-values.yaml
helm install collectory-mysql ala/collectory-mysql -f common-values.yaml
helm install species-lists-mysql ala/species-lists-mysql -f common-values.yaml
helm install biocache-cassandra ala/biocache-cassandra -f common-values.yaml
helm install solr ala/solr -f common-values.yaml
helm install solr-schemas ala/solr-schemas -f common-values.yaml
helm install species-lists ala/species-lists -f common-values.yaml
helm install name-matching-service ala/name-matching-service -f common-values.yaml
helm install sensitive-data-service ala/sensitive-data-service -f common-values.yaml
helm install bie-index ala/bie-index -f common-values.yaml
helm install biocache-service ala/biocache-service -f common-values.yaml
helm install ala-hub ala/ala-hub -f common-values.yaml
helm install collectory ala/collectory -f common-values.yaml
helm install airflow bitnami/airflow -f airflow/values.yaml