The MERIT 4.1 release contains the following new features:
- Support for overriding automatic assignment of states and electorates to projects
- Tidy up of the state and electorate facets on the project explorer to account for difference case and spelling when layers are updated in the spatial portal
- Improvements to organisations to better support relationships between projects and organisations. This includes a 1->many relationship between projects and organisations, support for organisation contract names to reflect the name used on a project contract, support for relationship type and date ranges.
- Bulk change support for project -> organisation relationships
- Stronger validation on project load and auto-creation of organisations if required
- Support for organisation funding and targets, and enhancements to the RCS quarterly report to replace some functionality of an external system.
What's changed:
- #2979 - ABN lookups are rate limited to match the ABN service rate limit
- #3384 - Fixed table data upload where "append data to the table" is not checked
- #1724 - Project site and electorate assignment can be manually specified by a user, optionally overriding automatic assignment
- #2789 - Ecodata is now used to upload shapefiles, replacing the spatial portal
- AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ecodata#1034 - Tidy up state / electorate display on the project explorer by mapping to consistent spelling/case.
- #2691 - Allow more organisations in the "show more" of the organisation facet, and account for new contract names when used.
- #3357 - Admin bulk upload to correct org->project relationships
- #3340 - Use "recipient" to refer to an organisation in a project by default (instead of grantee/service provider etc).
- #2686 - Automatically update project -> organisation relationships when an organisation is renamed (or a contract name is changed)
- #3257 - Fixed an issue causing a very slow creation of a new organisation
- #2880 - Rework of the organisation page and project page to support 1->many project->organisation relationships with optional contract name / relationship name and date bounds for the relationship to support business needs.
- #3369 - Updates to RCS quarterly reports and support for organisation service/targets/funding to support IPPRS reporting.
- #3379 - Support a flag to remove invoiced values from the dashboard for programs that don't collect actuals and invoiced amounts separately.
New reports/ change to reports
Program changes:
#3380, #3343, #3331, #3354, #3223, #3221, #3222, #3037, #3372, #3351
Technical changes and scripts:
#3355 - Work on functional test failures on actions due to chrome updates
#3389 - ala-security-libs 6.3.0
#3350 - site creation due to multi-point, line, point, high precision coords