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Redesign of the ala-name-matching library

See here for documentation.

This is very much a work in progress. You have been warned

The approach taken is to treat taxonomic information as a vector of evidence and try to find the taxon that has the highest probability of matching all the supplied evidence. To do this, a Bayesian network is used to identify how the various pieces of taxonomic information interact and build a conditional probability graph based on the network. Since handling every possible combination of pieces of evidence would result in a combinatorial explosion, the network is "compiled" into a graph of cause and effect, narrowing conditional probabilities to the smallest possible set of antecendents.

Test indexes

To use the test cases in ala-linnaean module, you will need the corresponding Linnaean and vernacular name indexes. You can get:

These need to be unzipped into /data/lucene

Every time the network definition changes, the indexes change, since the underlying inference model will have also changed. If you get exceptions or errors, you may need a new copy of the index.

Name Matching Libraries

Generic Libraries

These libraries are subject-matter agnostic and can be used to build matching systems for any domain that can be structured into a graph of cause and effect.

  • Bayesian Core Core classes for describing observable properties and how they can be derived, stored and matched.
  • Bayesian Lucene A storage implementation using the lucene index and search system.
  • Bayseian Builder Builder software that will take a Bayesian network and "compile" it into a set of java classes that implement the deductive framework specified by the network. Also, a generic index builder that takes source data and builds a store that can be used to search for matches.
  • Bayesian Maven Plugin A maven plugin that allows you to embed network building and compilation into your maven build cycle.

Taxonomy-Specific Libraries

These libraries are oriented towards handling generic biological nomenclature, wihout insisting on a specific model. These libraries draw extensively on Darwin Core and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility suite of tools and software.

ALA-Specific Libraries

Libraries that contain the ALA-specific implementation of taxonomy matching. There are three netorks:

  • The Linnaean network models scientific names based on the Linnaean hierarchy.

  • The Vernacular network models vernacular (common) names.

  • The Location network models localities.

  • ALA Linnaean The classes needed to implement and analyse the Linnaean and vernacular networks and match a search against candidates. A library that allows a client to build a template of known information about a name, search an index built by the ALA builder library and return a "most likely" match to a specific taxon. In particular, it includes more sophisticated post-processing of results to take care of oddities such as parent-child synonyms, misapplied names, etc. This is the library that an application would use to implement name searching.

  • ALA Linnaean Builder The classes needed to build name indexes for both networks. This also includes some useful tools for testing and analysis.

  • ALA Taxonomic Tools Useful tools for analysis and comparison

  • ALA Distribution A packaged distribution of the name index builders and tools.


Redesign of the ala-name-matching library







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