- JDK 1.8
- SQL database
- Create a sql database using a RDBMS (MySql)
- Create at least 2 tables to represent some relational object data
- The tables should have 3-7 fields that represent the object
- Tables must relate to one another. Examples:
- One to Many
- Many to Many
- One to One
- Many to One
- Populate the database with records
a cd table may have the fields for:
- id
- title
- desc
- year
- artist
- price
an artist table may have the following:
- id
- first_name
- last_name
- instrument
An artist-cd join table could then be used to create a many to many relationship.
- cd_id
- artist_id
Use to get the sql-connector-java dependency and jpa/hibernate dependencies. Add these to your pom.xml
Create persistence.xml file and save it to src -> main -> resources -> META-INF folder
Create services that are composed of an EntityManager and has an interface for performing CRUD operations for managing Entities with you database.
Service(s) should be able to perform at minimum the following:
- findById()
- findAll()
- update()
- create()
- delete()
Use annotations such as @ManyToMany or @OneToMany to create relations within your Entities.
public class CD {
private Long id;
private Set<Musician> musicians = new HashSet<>();