A task board, enabling anons around the world to:
- Post small tasks, ex. "Make poster for #SomeOp"
- Reply to tasks with a message or file upload
- Bump tasks when they receive participants
- Search for tasks by language, country, tags
- Delete tasks using a password or keyfile
- Use all functionality without registering (with captcha)
- Begin life at the top of the Recent Tasks board
- Drift downward as other tasks are created or bumped
- Move to the Active Tasks board while receiving heavy participation
- Expire after 24 hours without activity
Stuff that still needs to be coded:
- Moderation/Admin
- Voting
- Spam filter
- Stickied message per tag ( goes to the top of the page on particular tags)
- SQLite
Simply place the contents of this repository in a suitable place on your webserver.
If necessary, initialize the database by navigating to /index.php?q=/init
also if there is an error still, please check index.php settings, to see if it matches this
// Settings
$config_str = <<<SETTINGS
tasks_to_show = 10
lifespan = 1
dsn = sqlite:tasks.sq3
username =
password =
- Moderation/Admin
- Messaging
- Voting
- Stickied message per tag ( goes to the top of the page on particular tags)