This is a weather app through which you can find you can find the weather of your location or any other location of the current time.
- Express.js
- Material UI
- Leaflet
- React
- dotenv
- react-router-dom
- axios
- react-leaflet
- react-bootstrap
- react-detect-offline
- geo-tz
- moment-timezone
To use this app, you can download the repo or clone it to your local machine. You can install Apna Mart in the following steps:
Note: Before proceeding through these steps make sure you have your own open weather api key. You can get your API key by signing up here and put this key in the .env file with name REACT_APP_WEATHER_API_KEY
Step 1:
Open the git bash terminal in the folder where you want to clone the repository and type these commands in the terminal for cloning the repository and going to the folder
git clone
cd weather-app/
Step 2:
Type the following command in the terminal for installing all the node modules:
npm i
Step 3:
Start the server here
node index.js
Step 4:
Open another terminal and go to the weather-app folder
cd weather-app/
Step 5:
Install all the required node modules
npm i
Step 6:
Start the server here
npm start