Take Notes
A simple notes app, set colours for notes, share notes, temporarily delete notes & archive your notes.
- BLoC Architecture
- Firebase cloud integration
- Supports Android/iOS (iOS not published yet but works fine)
- List/grid view for notes
- Archive notes
- Search notes
- Lock Notes - Local Auth
- Desktop Support
- Web Support
- Localization
- Fix Hard-coded / Non-DRY compliant code
- Android
- iOS
not published
- Desktop
work in progress
- Linux
beta testing in progress
Before anything, be sure to have a working flutter sdk setup.If not installed, go to Install - Flutter.
Be sure to disable signing on build.gradle or change keystore to sign the app.
For now the required flutter channel is master, so issue those two commands before starting building:
$ flutter channel master
$ flutter upgrade
After that, building is simple as this:
$ flutter pub get
$ flutter run
$ flutter build apk
Feel free to open a PR to suggest fixes, features or whatever you want, just remember that PRs are subjected to manual review so you gotta wait for actual people to look at your contributions.
Thanks to Vandahd for creating such an awsome course and sharing his Dart & Flutter tips