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Matrix-X committed Jul 30, 2024
1 parent 5e1d5ea commit 2858270
Showing 1 changed file with 184 additions and 175 deletions.
359 changes: 184 additions & 175 deletions docs/.vitepress/config.mts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,189 +1,198 @@
import { defineConfig } from 'vitepress'
import {defineConfig} from 'vitepress'


const nav = [
text: '快速开始',
link: '/zh/start/index',
activeMatch: `^\/zh\/(start)\/(?!qa)`
text: '视频介绍',
link: '/zh/video/index',
activeMatch: `^/zh/(video)/`
text: '小程序',
link: '/zh/mini-program/index',
activeMatch: `^/zh/(mini-program)/`
text: '微信支付',
link: '/zh/payment/index',
activeMatch: `^/zh/(payment)/`
text: '企业微信',
link: '/zh/wecom/index',
activeMatch: `^/zh/(wecom)/`
text: '公众号',
link: '/zh/official-account/index',
activeMatch: `^/zh/(official-account)/`
text: '开放平台',
link: '/zh/open-platform/intro',
activeMatch: `^/zh/(open-platform)/`
text: '联系我们',
link: '/zh/start/qa'
text: '快速开始',
link: '/zh/start/index',
activeMatch: `^\/zh\/(start)\/(?!qa)`
text: '视频介绍',
link: '/zh/video/index',
activeMatch: `^/zh/(video)/`
text: '小程序',
link: '/zh/mini-program/index',
activeMatch: `^/zh/(mini-program)/`
text: '微信支付',
link: '/zh/payment/index',
activeMatch: `^/zh/(payment)/`
text: '企业微信',
link: '/zh/wecom/index',
activeMatch: `^/zh/(wecom)/`
text: '公众号',
link: '/zh/official-account/index',
activeMatch: `^/zh/(official-account)/`
text: '开放平台',
link: '/zh/open-platform/intro',
activeMatch: `^/zh/(open-platform)/`
text: '联系我们',
link: '/zh/start/qa'

export const sidebar = {
'/zh/': [{
text: '开始',
items: [
{ text: '概述', link: '/zh/start/index' },
{ text: '安装', link: '/zh/start/installation' },
{ text: '快速开始', link: '/zh/start/quick-start' },
{ text: '通用配置', link: '/zh/start/common' },
{ text: '使用示例', link: '/zh/start/tutorial' },
{ text: 'Q&A', link: '/zh/start/qa' }
}, {
text: '小程序',
items: [
{ text: '入门', link: '/zh/mini-program/index' },
{ text: '用户信息', link: '/zh/mini-program/user-info' },
{ text: '数据统计与分析', link: '/zh/mini-program/statistics' },
{ text: '客服消息', link: '/zh/mini-program/service-message' },
{ text: '统一服务消息', link: '/zh/mini-program/uniform-message' },
{ text: '动态消息', link: '/zh/mini-program/updatable-message' },
{ text: '小程序码', link: '/zh/mini-program/miniprogram-code' },
{ text: '消息解密', link: '/zh/mini-program/decode-message' },
{ text: '内容安全', link: '/zh/mini-program/content-security' },
{ text: '生物认证', link: '/zh/mini-program/verify-signature' },
{ text: '附近的小程序', link: '/zh/mini-program/nearby-miniprogram' },
{ text: '订阅消息', link: '/zh/mini-program/subscription-message' },
{ text: '服务市场', link: '/zh/mini-program/service-market' },
{ text: '安全风控', link: '/zh/mini-program/risk-control' },
{ text: 'URL Scheme', link: '/zh/mini-program/url-scheme' },
{ text: 'URL Link', link: '/zh/mini-program/url-link' },
{ text: 'Short Link', link: '/zh/mini-program/short-link' }
}, {
text: '微信支付',
items: [
{ text: '入门', link: '/zh/payment/index' },
{ text: '安全', link: '/zh/payment/security' },
{ text: '订单', link: '/zh/payment/order' },
{ text: '退款', link: '/zh/payment/refund' },
{ text: '对账单', link: '/zh/payment/bill' },
{ text: '通知', link: '/zh/payment/notification' },
{ text: '红包', link: '/zh/payment/red-pack' },
{ text: 'JSSDK', link: '/zh/payment/jssdk' },
{ text: '企业付款', link: '/zh/payment/work-pay' },
{ text: '商户付款', link: '/zh/payment/merchant-pay' },
{ text: '撤销订单', link: '/zh/payment/retrieve-order' },
{ text: '分账', link: '/zh/payment/profit-share' },
{ text: '服务商支付', link: '/zh/payment/partner' }
}, {
text: '企业微信',
items: [
{ text: '入门', link: '/zh/wecom/index' },
{ text: '服务端', link: '/zh/wecom/server' },
{ text: '应用管理', link: '/zh/wecom/agent' },
{ text: '消息发送', link: '/zh/wecom/message' },
{ text: '通讯录', link: '/zh/wecom/contacts' },
{ text: '网页授权', link: '/zh/wecom/web-auth' },
{ text: '客户联系', link: '/zh/wecom/external-contact' },
{ text: '微信客服', link: '/zh/wecom/customer-service' },
{ text: '临时素材', link: '/zh/wecom/media' },
// { text: 'OA', link: '/zh/wecom/oa' },
{ text: '会话内容存档', link: '/zh/wecom/session' },
{ text: '电子发票', link: '/zh/wecom/e-invoice' },
{ text: '小程序', link: '/zh/wecom/mini-program' },
{ text: '群机器人', link: '/zh/wecom/robot' },
{ text: '移动端', link: '/zh/wecom/mobile' }
text: '开放平台',
items: [
{ text: '导读', link: '/zh/open-platform/intro' },
{ text: '基本概念', link: '/zh/open-platform/basic' },
{ text: '应用场景', link: '/zh/open-platform/scene' },
{ text: '授权流程', link: '/zh/open-platform/authFlow' },
{ text: '入门', link: '/zh/open-platform/index' },
{ text: '服务端', link: '/zh/open-platform/server' },
{ text: '代授权', link: '/zh/open-platform/authorizer-delegate' }
text: '公众号',
items: [
{ text: '入门', link: '/zh/official-account/index' },
{ text: '基础接口', link: '/zh/official-account/base' },
{ text: '服务端', link: '/zh/official-account/server' },
{ text: '消息', link: '/zh/official-account/messages' },
{ text: '多客服消息转发', link: '/zh/official-account/message-transfer' },
{ text: '消息群发', link: '/zh/official-account/broadcasting' },
{ text: '模版消息', link: '/zh/official-account/template-message' },
{ text: '用户', link: '/zh/official-account/user' },
{ text: '用户标签', link: '/zh/official-account/user-tag' },
{ text: '网页授权', link: '/zh/official-account/oauth' },
{ text: 'JSSDK', link: '/zh/official-account/jssdk' },
{ text: '二维码', link: '/zh/official-account/qrcode' },
{ text: '短Key托管', link: '/zh/official-account/shorten' },
{ text: '临时素材', link: '/zh/official-account/media' },
{ text: '素材管理', link: '/zh/official-account/material' },
{ text: '菜单', link: '/zh/official-account/menu' },
{ text: '卡券', link: '/zh/official-account/card' },
{ text: '客服', link: '/zh/official-account/customer-service' },
// 微信在2021年5月1号已经关闭摇一摇功能
// { text: '摇一摇周边', link: '/zh/official-account/shake-around' },
{ text: '数据统计', link: '/zh/official-account/data-cube' },
// 微信语义理解已经下线,现在是一个单独的产品。
//{ text: '语义理解(TODO)', link: '/zh/official-account/semantic' },
{ text: '自动回复', link: '/zh/official-account/reply' },
{ text: '评论数据管理', link: '/zh/official-account/comment' },
{ text: '返佣商品', link: '/zh/official-account/goods' }
// {
// //
// text: '企业微信开放平台',
// items: [
// { text: '自动回复', link: '/zh/official-account/reply' }
// ]
// }
'/zh/': [{
text: '开始',
items: [
{text: '概述', link: '/zh/start/index'},
{text: '安装', link: '/zh/start/installation'},
{text: '快速开始', link: '/zh/start/quick-start'},
{text: '通用配置', link: '/zh/start/common'},
{text: '使用示例', link: '/zh/start/tutorial'},
{text: 'Q&A', link: '/zh/start/qa'}
}, {
text: '小程序',
items: [
{text: '入门', link: '/zh/mini-program/index'},
{text: '用户信息', link: '/zh/mini-program/user-info'},
{text: '数据统计与分析', link: '/zh/mini-program/statistics'},
{text: '客服消息', link: '/zh/mini-program/service-message'},
{text: '统一服务消息', link: '/zh/mini-program/uniform-message'},
{text: '动态消息', link: '/zh/mini-program/updatable-message'},
{text: '小程序码', link: '/zh/mini-program/miniprogram-code'},
{text: '消息解密', link: '/zh/mini-program/decode-message'},
{text: '内容安全', link: '/zh/mini-program/content-security'},
{text: '生物认证', link: '/zh/mini-program/verify-signature'},
{text: '附近的小程序', link: '/zh/mini-program/nearby-miniprogram'},
{text: '订阅消息', link: '/zh/mini-program/subscription-message'},
{text: '服务市场', link: '/zh/mini-program/service-market'},
{text: '安全风控', link: '/zh/mini-program/risk-control'},
{text: 'URL Scheme', link: '/zh/mini-program/url-scheme'},
{text: 'URL Link', link: '/zh/mini-program/url-link'},
{text: 'Short Link', link: '/zh/mini-program/short-link'}
}, {
text: '微信支付',
items: [
{text: '入门', link: '/zh/payment/index'},
{text: '安全', link: '/zh/payment/security'},
{text: '订单', link: '/zh/payment/order'},
{text: '退款', link: '/zh/payment/refund'},
{text: '对账单', link: '/zh/payment/bill'},
{text: '通知', link: '/zh/payment/notification'},
{text: '红包', link: '/zh/payment/red-pack'},
{text: 'JSSDK', link: '/zh/payment/jssdk'},
{text: '企业付款', link: '/zh/payment/work-pay'},
{text: '商户付款', link: '/zh/payment/merchant-pay'},
{text: '撤销订单', link: '/zh/payment/retrieve-order'},
{text: '分账', link: '/zh/payment/profit-share'},
{text: '服务商支付', link: '/zh/payment/partner'}
}, {
text: '企业微信',
items: [
{text: '入门', link: '/zh/wecom/index'},
{text: '服务端', link: '/zh/wecom/server'},
{text: '应用管理', link: '/zh/wecom/agent'},
{text: '消息发送', link: '/zh/wecom/message'},
{text: '通讯录', link: '/zh/wecom/contacts'},
{text: '网页授权', link: '/zh/wecom/web-auth'},
{text: '客户联系', link: '/zh/wecom/external-contact'},
{text: '微信客服', link: '/zh/wecom/customer-service'},
{text: '临时素材', link: '/zh/wecom/media'},
// { text: 'OA', link: '/zh/wecom/oa' },
{text: '会话内容存档', link: '/zh/wecom/session'},
{text: '电子发票', link: '/zh/wecom/e-invoice'},
{text: '小程序', link: '/zh/wecom/mini-program'},
{text: '群机器人', link: '/zh/wecom/robot'},
{text: '移动端', link: '/zh/wecom/mobile'}
text: '开放平台',
items: [
{text: '导读', link: '/zh/open-platform/intro'},
{text: '基本概念', link: '/zh/open-platform/basic'},
{text: '应用场景', link: '/zh/open-platform/scene'},
{text: '授权流程', link: '/zh/open-platform/authFlow'},
{text: '入门', link: '/zh/open-platform/index'},
{text: '服务端', link: '/zh/open-platform/server'},
{text: '代授权', link: '/zh/open-platform/authorizer-delegate'}
text: '公众号',
items: [
{text: '入门', link: '/zh/official-account/index'},
{text: '基础接口', link: '/zh/official-account/base'},
{text: '服务端', link: '/zh/official-account/server'},
{text: '消息', link: '/zh/official-account/messages'},
{text: '多客服消息转发', link: '/zh/official-account/message-transfer'},
{text: '消息群发', link: '/zh/official-account/broadcasting'},
{text: '模版消息', link: '/zh/official-account/template-message'},
{text: '用户', link: '/zh/official-account/user'},
{text: '用户标签', link: '/zh/official-account/user-tag'},
{text: '网页授权', link: '/zh/official-account/oauth'},
{text: 'JSSDK', link: '/zh/official-account/jssdk'},
{text: '二维码', link: '/zh/official-account/qrcode'},
{text: '短Key托管', link: '/zh/official-account/shorten'},
{text: '临时素材', link: '/zh/official-account/media'},
{text: '素材管理', link: '/zh/official-account/material'},
{text: '菜单', link: '/zh/official-account/menu'},
{text: '卡券', link: '/zh/official-account/card'},
{text: '客服', link: '/zh/official-account/customer-service'},
// 微信在2021年5月1号已经关闭摇一摇功能
// { text: '摇一摇周边', link: '/zh/official-account/shake-around' },
{text: '数据统计', link: '/zh/official-account/data-cube'},
// 微信语义理解已经下线,现在是一个单独的产品。
//{ text: '语义理解(TODO)', link: '/zh/official-account/semantic' },
{text: '自动回复', link: '/zh/official-account/reply'},
{text: '评论数据管理', link: '/zh/official-account/comment'},
{text: '返佣商品', link: '/zh/official-account/goods'}
// {
// //
// text: '企业微信开放平台',
// items: [
// { text: '自动回复', link: '/zh/official-account/reply' }
// ]
// }

export default defineConfig({
base: '/',
outDir: '',
title: "PowerWechat",
description: "PowerWeChat是一款简单易用的WeChat SDK for Golang",
themeConfig: {
logo: "/images/logo.png", siteTitle: "PowerWechat",
nav: nav,
base: '/',
outDir: '',
title: "PowerWechat",
description: "PowerWeChat是一款简单易用的WeChat SDK for Golang",
themeConfig: {
logo: "/images/logo.png", siteTitle: "PowerWechat",
nav: nav,
sidebar: sidebar,

sidebar: sidebar,

socialLinks: [
{ icon: 'github', link: '' }
socialLinks: [
{icon: 'github', link: ''},
{icon: {svg: '<svg width="800px" height="800px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="">\n' +
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' </g>\n' +
'</svg>'}, link: ''}
footer: {
message: 'Released under the MIT license',
copyright: `Copyright © 2021-${new Date().getFullYear()} ArtisanCloud`

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