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Roboat - Virtual Regatta

Repo structure:

  • isochrones:
    A complex (algorithm/code-wise) engine to predict an optimal route between a starting point and en ending point (more accurately a finish line).

A complex (algorithm/code-wise) engine to predict an optimal route between a starting point and en ending point (more accurately a finish line).

The engine is exposed as a Flask service, and used to be deployed as an Elastic Beanstalk app. It is linked to AWS (S3) as it reads input data (wind) and writes output predictions.

  • lambda_functions:
    A series of (AWS) lambda functions. The most useful ones for the 2022 challenge would be:

    • vr_parse_wnd (parse .WND files into .CSV)
    • vr_get_fleet (get info about a set of boats using VR API)
    • vr_predict_heading (calls the Machine Learning model to predict the boat's heading)
    • vr_isos_supervisions (uses SVM to verify that an isochrones prediction is consistent with the previous calculations)
  • sagemaker_notebooks:
    A set of Jupyter notebooks used to pre-process race data, train the ML model & process geospatial data (map).

The first Roboat - Vendée Globe approach

Simplified arhitecture of the first roboat.

Additional details on the first roboat approcah

2022 challenge - what code artifacts could be useful?

Artifact Language Notes
Conversion .WND -> .CSV Snippet Python
Moteur isochrones (guidage macro) Python, web service Flask Strong coupling with AWS (read/write S3), however we implemented a standalone version that should work without AWS
Guidage micro Jupyter notebooks pour le nettoyage des données et l’entraînement Code not very «clean». Strong coupling with AWS for training (models exposed via Sagemaker)
Combinaison guidage macro & micro Python (fonction lambda) Tightly coupled with AWS (it consists of a lambda function + a call to a Sagemaker endpoint)
Supervision guidage macro Python uses SVM to verify that an isochrones prediction is consistent with the previous calculations. Tightly coupled with AWS (lambda function + S3)


General guidelines

  • Create a new branch per new feature (main is usually the most up-to-date)

  • Before requesting a Pull Request, make sure the reference branch (likely to be main) did not diverge:

git checkout main
git pull
git merge main
  • Fix any conflicts, push the merge commit, and create the pull request

Python-related (isochrones, lambda_function, sagemaker_notebooks)

  • If you update the packages list, make sure to update the requirements file accordingly. The best way to do so is to use pipenv for your local environnement:
pipenv install my_package
pipenv lock -r > requirements.txt
python -m third_party_license_file_generator -r requirements.txt -p $(which python) -g -c >> THIRDPARTYLICENSES_summary

(Remove the options -g -c if you want to get an error message for GPL/commercial licenses detected)

  • Document! And update this Readme :)



You may need to use git-lfs to retrieve some large data files from this repository. Check this link for installation steps:
Once installed, you can use this command to pull the files

git lfs pull


Deep Sea, the i-Roboat Challenge






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