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Getting Started

Gaëtan Blaise-Cazalet edited this page Feb 14, 2022 · 7 revisions


Github rights

ArtfxDev is the organisation that holds silex repositories. You need to be member of the organisation and a pipeline team developer to get the applications rights.

Account on kitsu

Kitsu is the silex database.

  • You need an account on it, and to be registered as a member of the TEST_PIPE project.
  • Then connect to :
  • If password change is needed, ask the TD team

Python 3.7

For 2021-2022 pipeline, python 3.7.x is needed. You can find it here :

Last version at the time of this doc's writing was 3.7.9.


Download Rez 2.95.0 source release from

Open a shell in admin mode and install Rez with:

python ./ -v C:/rez/__install__

Add to path:


Set a REZ_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to \\

Close terminal and reopen it still with admin rights. Install basic packages with:

rez bind -i C:/rez/packages --quickstart


Configure rez

Create a packages folder in the c:/rez folder. Go into this folder.

Create a file named .rez in it.

Use this command to clone silex utils (from c:/rez/packages).

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 [email protected]:ArtFXDev/silex-rez.git

Then use this to install rez dependancies for rez client:

rez pip -i git+

Go to \\rez\windows\config, open the, copy everything except the caching part, paste it in the config file in your rez installation folder, for instance: C:\rez_install_\Lib\site-packages\rez\

Close the admin terminal and reopen a normal rights terminal.

If you have an error saying python is not found, remove the C:\rez\packages\python folder, then launch rez bind -i C:/rez/packages python with admin priviledges.

Install silex desktop

Install nodejs through scoop

To install scoop:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
iwr -useb | iex

To install nodejs and yarn through scoop:

scoop search nodejs
scoop install nodejs-lts
scoop install yarn

Git repo:

Clone the repo:

git clone

Create a .npmrc file in the silex-desktop root folder with that content:


Replace <YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN> with your GitHub access token. (See here for where to get it: .)

In the github access token config, tick repo and write.

Install dependencies with yarn:

yarn install

This will automatically install silex-socket-service

Run and test

In the silex desktop folder, run silex with:

yarn start

Then connect to the app.

You can also test an action in the terminal with:

rez env silex_client -- silex action tester -c dev

📚 Doc

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🚀 Development:

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