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Pre requisites

Kanishk Singh edited this page Feb 13, 2019 · 5 revisions


You need a Telegram Bot Token, which you can get by messaging Botfather on Telegram. You can get your bot token by asking BotFather anytime, but for now, save your bot token somewhere because we will require it in the next step.

Since you're gonna run the bot, you are the administrator of the bot. You require your telegram chat ID to use admin commands like /push, /revert, etc. To get your chat ID, message FalconGate with the command /get_my_id and save the 9-digit number that comes back, we will require this in the next step.



Learn how to install docker here.


On Windows 10 Home, I found using Docker-Toolbox to be less than ideal since the VM docker-toolbox uses doesn't expose the container's ports to the host machine, which wouldn't let my bot's container talk to the Splash container (you'll know what it is in next step).

So I chose to run docker inside a Ubuntu VM which I run through Vagrant. If you're on Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise, just using Docker Desktop will work out fine. Download it here.

However, if you're on Windows 10 Home edition, follow below steps.

Download & install Vagrant from here.

After installation is done run this command in the folder where you'll be downloading or cloning this repository (e.g. Documents):

vagrant init kwilczynski/ubuntu-16.04-docker
vagrant up

A new Vagrantfile will be created inside the directory where you run the above command (Documents in our case). Open it and add this line before the last line (which says end)

config.vm.synced_folder "MIS-Bot/", "/srv/MIS-Bot"

This will sync the cloned/downloaded project folder with the ubuntu virtual machine.

Now you can run this command to get inside your Ubuntu VM with docker installed:

vagrant ssh

When you're done doing docker stuff, you can type exit to come out of the Ubuntu VM and then run vagrant halt to shutdown the VM.

Now head to the next step.

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