NextBid is an auction web appliction. Where users can buy and sell any product through auction. Whoever bids the highest amount within the specified time will be the winner.
- Implemented real-time bidding functionality to ensure a seamless and responsive user experience for auctions.
- Implemented firebase authentication and authorization system to protect sensitive user information and ensure only authorized users can participate in auctions.
- Developed a dynamic and user-friendly interface utilizing ReactJS and Tailwind CSS to improve the user experience and increase engagement.
- Scalable and efficient database using MongoDB to handle high traffic and large amounts of data.
- Implement a search and filtering system to help users easily find the products they are looking for.
- Used NodeJS and ExpressJS to develop a RESTful API to handle requests and facilitate communication between the frontend and backend.
- Implement a stripe payment gateway integration to enable users to easily make payments and complete transactions.
- Deploy backend application on the vercel and client side on the firebase hosting platform for better scalability and security.
- ReactJs
- React Router Dom v6.4
- Framer Motion
- Tailwind CSS
- Firebase
- React Redux
- Redux Toolkit
- Axios
- And Many More...
- NodeJs
- ExpressJs
- Mongoose
- MongoDB
- Firebase-Admin
- Stripe
- MVC Pattren