This repository contains the content of the following paper:
HIMO: A New Benchmark for Full-Body Human Interacting with Multiple Objects
Xintao Lv 1,* , Liang Xu 1,2* , Yichao Yan 1, Xin Jin 2, Congsheng Xu 1, Shuwen Wu1, Yifan Liu1, Lincheng Li3, Mengxiao Bi3, Wenjun Zeng2, Xiaokang Yang 1
1 Shanghai Jiao Tong University , 2 Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo, 3 NetEase Fuxi AI Lab
Please fill out this form to request authorization to download HIMO for research purposes.
After downloading the dataset, unzip the data in ./data
and you'll get the following structure:
|-- joints
| |-- S01T001.npy
| |-- ...
|-- smplx
| |-- S01T001.npz
| |-- ...
|-- object_pose
| |-- S01T001.npy
| |-- ...
|-- text
| |-- S01T001.txt
| |-- ...
|-- segments
| |-- S01T001.json
| |-- ...
|-- object_mesh
| |-- Apple.obj
| |-- ...
We use the AIT-Viewer to visualize the dataset. You can follow the instructions below to visualize it.
pip install -r visualize/requirements.txt
You also need to download the SMPL-X models and place them in ./body_models
, which should look like:
|-- smplx
├── SMPLX_MALE.npz
├── SMPLX_MALE.pkl
└── SMPLX_NEUTRAL_2020.npz
Then you can run the following command to visualize the dataset.
# Visualize the skeleton
python visualize/
# Visualize the SMPLX
python visualize/
# Visualize the segment data
python visualize/
To train the model in 2-object setting, run
python -m src.train.train_net_2o --exp_name net_2o --num_epochs 1000
To train the model in 3-object setting, run
python -m src.train.train_net_3o --exp_name net_3o --num_epochs 1000
To evaluate the model, you need to train your own evaluator or use the checkpoint we provide here (put them under ./save
Then run
python -m src.eval.eval_himo_2o
python -m src.eval.eval_himo_3o