A simple app for consuming an API REST json and validate its data
This app is meant to be installed on android SDK 21 or newer
- ionic (Ionic CLI) : 4.6.0
- Ionic Framework : ionic-angular 3.9.2
- @ionic/app-scripts : 3.2.1
- cordova (Cordova CLI) : 8.1.2 ([email protected])
- Cordova Platforms : android 7.1.4
- Cordova Plugins :
- cordova-plugin-whitelist 1.3.3
- cordova-plugin-statusbar 2.4.2
- cordova-plugin-device 2.0.2
- cordova-plugin-splashscreen 5.0.2
- cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 2.0.0
- cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard 2.0.5
- NodeJS : v10.13.0
- npm : 6.4.1
- OS : Windows 10