Angel's Infinite Ores
Version: 0.9.11
Date: 22.12.2023
- Fixed infinite ore not showing for Bob's Ores (914)
Angel's Refining
Version: 0.12.5
Date: 22.12.2023
- Moved Electro-refining to purple science. Replaced Crystal catalyst with Hybrid catalyst in Thorium sorting recipe (909)
- Compatibility with Bob's changes (911)
- Enabled productivity modules for Thorium Ore sorting recipe (929)
- Added custom error message for when trying to insert invalid items into a barreling pump (933)
- Changed Crystal catalyst recipe to require Crystallizer 2 (943)
- Removed Crystal catalyst from Bob's gem ore crystallization recipes (943)
- Changed the Recipe Builder to make it easier for other mods to add their own materials (950)
- Added a beaconable electric offshore waterpump (952)
Angel's Petrochemical Processing
Version: 0.9.25
Date: 22.12.2023
- Compatibility with Bob's changes (911)
- Split tech Sodium processing into Sodium processing 1 and Sodium processing 2 (922)
- Combined techs Oil Steam cracking and Gas Steam Cracking (951)
- Fixed recipe order of carbon products to correctly display in helmod
- Fixed fertiliser not being craftable in mod configurations (924)
Angel's Smelting
Version: 0.6.22
Date: 22.12.2023
- Increased the tech and required machine tier of Chrome and Platinum (909)
- Allow Fibreglass boards to be made in Bob's Electronics assembling machines (921)
- Enabled productivity modules for Glass, Glass fiber, and Fibreglass recipes (929)
- Added water to recipe Glass fiber casting 1. Added new recipe Glass fiber casting 2 (939)
- Another attempt at fixed smoke on the blast furnace
- Fixed names and descriptions of Bronze processing and Brass processing techs from Bob's MCI mod (926)
Angel's Bioprocessing
Version: 0.7.25
Date: 22.12.2023
- Added support for alien artifacts outside of bob enemies
- Compatibility with Bob's changes (911)
- Recipes that consume Gardens will now only buffer enough ingredients for 1 craft (918)
- Adjusted techs and added a new recipe (Sodium hypochlorite decomposition) to make Paper 2 viable when it is unlocked (922)
- Rebalanced paper and pulp recipes to make each tier feel like a significant upgrade (923)
- Made wood production available earlier (932)
- Recipe changes for Tree seed generators, Arboretum, and Composter
- Tech tree changes
- Added custom error message for when trying to insert invalid items into butchery, composter, or hatchery (933)
- Reworked recipes for Bob's circuit boards (936)
- Removed recipe paper to wooden boards
- Modified phenolic board recipe to require paper + liquid resin
- Prevent Bob's mods from enabling Agriculture Modules for non bio recipes (937)
- Remove unnecessary prerequisites from Alien Farming (943)
- Fixed Gaseous atmosphere puffing recipe missing product Acid gas (942)
Angel's Industries
Version: 0.4.19
Date: 22.12.2023
- Compatibility with Bob's changes (911)
- Component mode:
- Fixed the regular recipe for fiber board was still available when playing with bobs mods
Angel's Exploration
Version: 0.3.15
Date: 22.12.2023
- Added "Thorvin" bicycle; credits to the TurboBike mod for the graphics (790)
- Spitters are back doing acid splash instead of their bio splash
- Scarab start spawning at 15% evolution rather than 10%
- First (partial) rework on artifact drop rates (748)
- Fixed the native inhabitants tips and tricks could not become visible
- Fixed incomplete tips and tricks localisation for the enemy spawners
Angel's Addons - C.A.B.
Version: 0.2.9
Date: 22.12.2023
- Cleanup of prototype data