Simple app witch pause one's Sonos player when one is watching movie, YouTube, or listening to music at PC.
It uses System Media Transport Controls to detect active players and changes of them. Thanks ByteDev for for publishing NuGet package helpful to control one's Sonos speaker.
PM> NuGet\Install-Package ByteDev.Sonos
Best way to use it is (in my opinion) is make shortcut to autorun folder, and add params of programm working like at attached pic below.
The selected text at "Element docelowy"/"Target" represent params send to app as string[] args
public static void Main(string[] args)
Param name: | NoWindow | ProvideForFocusSession | MuteInsteadStop | StopDelayTime | StartDelayTime | SonosesIPs |
param no. | args[0] | args[1] | args[2] | args[3] | args[4] | args[>=5] |
type: | bool | bool | bool | int | int | IP |
description: | Hide window after run | Dont play music at quiet hours | Dont stop but make it muted | Wait time (ms) to pause | Wait time (ms) to play | Your Sonos' IP |
Example: | true | true | false | 450 | 1600 | |
Common target example: C:<rest of your path>\Sonos-autoPause-alpha.exe true true false 450 1600
Presentation of working below:
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0