Click the link below to access the API documentation:
@Janek1010 @Kondziow @Drillllll
To run the project, clone the repository and open it in an IDE (e.g., IntelliJ). Before running the project, ensure you build it using the following command:
mvn clean package
Firstly build the project to obtain the jar file to have the latest version of the application with a command (You don't have to download maven, just type this command):
.\mvnw clean package
Then run the following command:
docker-compose up
This backend application enables users to access and utilize audio content associated with real-world locations. Users can also create routes containing multiple audio descriptions of various locations, either by creating their own audio content or using content shared by other users.
The project includes comprehensive automated tests covering most lines of code. All tests are automatically triggered upon pushing changes to the main branch.
- Java 17
- PostgreSQL 16.1
- Spring Boot 3.1.5
- Spring 6
- Maven
- Lombok
- Swagger
- Spring Validation
- Hibernate
- Spring Data JPA
- H2 (for testing)
- OpenCSV
- OpenAPI
- Flyway
- MapStruct