This code it's a bot to everyday water the plant from the subbreddit /r/takecareofmyplant.
They are used two API's to take quotes and the code will search for words like 'yes' and 'no' to give a valid comment. the system that the code follows it's the 2-1. In the future will be implemented the two systems that users are using. (3-1 and 2-1)
One API need UID to take quotes. But you can take one from STANDS4. The other you can use freely.
The code requires a Raspberry Pi, Python and xml.etree.ElementTree.
Download the code.
$ mkdir JeffPlant
$ git clone
$ cd JeffPlant
$ mkdir logs
Edit the config file.
$ cd JeffPlant
$ sudo nano
Make a cron job to run the code, one, two, three, etc... The code will just vote one time a day. But sometimes the code stop working, so make the code work every 2 hours.
$ crontab -e
Write in the bottom the following line.
0 */2 * * * cd /home/pi/JeffPlant && sudo python /home/pi/JeffPlant/