This repository holds a curated list of Python scripts which aim to help us automate daily and common tasks. You can pick up any of these scripts on demand to help you with the automation of your common routine tasks. All the scripts in this repository can be found under the scripts
directory and have been contributed by our generous contributors.
Our repository accepts all kinds of contributions. Before making a contribution please make sure you have gone through our contributing guidelines.
You can open an issue with us for a bug, feature or a new script or start working on an existing issue after having it assigned to you by one of the maintainers.
If you are adding a script to the respository, please create a seperate directory with the name of the script inside the scripts
directory of this repository and work within it. Make sure your script comes with its very own
with proper documentation for the end user, if possible add screenshots of your script working in the
as well. In case you are uploading screenshots and/or other relevant images please create a seperate images
folder inside your script folder, this is where you will be keeping your images. Alternatively, you can also upload your images on platforms like imgur and use the resulting link in your
Once you are done working on your script edit this
file and add the relevant information regarding your script in the table below.
Id No. | Script Name | Script Description | Link |
1 | Amazon-Price-Alert | Send a Email to the user when the price of product goes down below threshold | Find me here |
2 | AudioBook | Converts PDF-to-speech | Find me here |
3 | Automatic Screen Recorder | script to record the laptop screen automatically | Find me here |
4 | Ceaser Cipher | script to encode and decode | Find me here |
5 | Covid Tracker | script which tracks the number of cases, deaths and recovered cases of covid patients | Find me here |
6 | CP Template Maker | Organizes and creates templates for cp contests | Find me Here |
7 | Check-System-Usage | Checks free space percentage and average CPU usage | Find me here |
8 | Command line chart tool | script to make fast pie charts from command line | Find me here |
9 | CryptoCurrency | Fetches cryptocurrency data and stores them in a .csv file | Find me Here |
10 | Currency Converter | Convert currencies on realtime using a beautiful tkinter GUI | Find me here |
11 | Doc to PDF Converter | Converts docx file(s) to PDF files | Find me here |
12 | Email Sender | Automates Email Process | Find me here |
13 | Email-Phone-Extractor | Extracts email addresses and phone number from clipboard or a text file and stores them as separate csvs | Find me here |
14 | File Organizer | Organize your Files | Find me here |
15 | Handwriting Recognition Module | Detects hand and returns coordinate of various points on hand in a live stream | Find me here |
16 | Image Compressor | Script compress Images | Find me here |
17 | JSON to xlsx converter | Script to convert json to xlsx | Find me here |
18 | LinkedIn Job Scraper | Scrap Jobs listed in LinkedIn & saves them in .csv file |
Find me here |
19 | Meaning Finder | Find Word's Meaning.. | Find me here |
20 | News Reader Script | Script to read news | Find me here |
21 | NewsDown | It can download the newspaper in one click | Find me Here |
22 | Notice Scrapper | Extract all notices from | Find me here |
23 | OCR Script Scanner | Extracts text from image file by scanning it | Find me here |
24 | OSINT Tool | Help Find OSINT info about phone number & IP address | Find me here |
25 | PDF_Merger_Script | Script to merge pdf | Find me here |
27 | Password Leak Checker | How many times your password has been breached | Find me here |
28 | Public IP Address | Prints your public IP address | Find me Here |
29 | QR Code Generator | It can generate QR Code of URLs | Find me Here |
30 | Reddit Image Scrapper | Downloads Reddit Images according to given SubReddit without using API | Find me here |
31 | SMS Sender | Easy CLI interface for users looking to test their SMS campaign integration with Kaleyra | Find me here |
32 | Shorty | Shorty uses python code to shorten URLs on the go | Find me here |
33 | Sketch image converter | script which convert a colored photo into sketch photo | Find me here |
34 | Song-Lyrics-Fetcher | Fetch lyrics of a song and store in a text file | Find me here |
35 | Spectrogram | script to visualize wav files using spectrogram | Find me here |
36 | Terminal Video Editor | Edit Small Videos (less than : 10 mins) directly from your Terminal | Find me here |
37 | Text Grammar Corrector | Corrects Grammar of text | Find me here |
38 | Twitter-Scraper | Scrape Tweets of a user-inputted Hashtag | Find me here |
39 | Vaccination Centre Locator | Provides top 10 nearest Vaccination Centres data based on location in India | Find me here |
40 | Weather_Forecast_Script | Script to forecast weather of a city | Find me here |
41 | Word Cloud Generator | Converts text entered into a Word Cloud | Find me here |
42 | Yaml-Json-Generator | Generate JSON files from YAML files in a directory | Find me here |
43 | Youtube-Playlist-Duration | Calculates the total duration of a Youtube Playlist | Find me here |
44 | QR_SCANNER | script which Decode QR code | Find me here |
45 | VideoCam | Takes pictures and records vidoes using your webcam | Find me here |
46 | Notification Reminder | Script to create popup notification | Find me here |
47 | Website Blocker | Cross-Platform website blocker | Find me here |
48 | Anime Recommendation Model | Recommed 10 animes to watch next based on an anime you loved | Find me here |