The aim of the project was to make a digital version of the board game Guess Who by using HTML, CSS and Javascript. After I got the game to work I decided to turn it into Guess Who? - Dog edition instead.
I started by looking through the material for the week and then started to code. I think the instructions of the project and the starter code were a good help to get started. I used a bit of Stack Overflow but mainly chatGPT when I got stuck. I also double checked with chatGPT if my code looked good. I had great help from my team mates through our discussions.
If I had more time I would rename the characters in the code when they are called 'person' to 'dogs' because it would make more sense since I switched to a dog theme. However 'person' is used in variables and values and therefore I didn't change it now since there was a risk something might not work in the code and I then wouldn't have time to fix it.
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