The aim for the week was to collaborate with a UX-design student and create their design with code. This week we also had to make sure the app could be translated into another language. I had the pleasure of collaborating with, and getting the design made by, Matilda Gorgén.
We started out with having a meeting and discuss the design. We decided to get in touch when questions arised and also have a follow meeting twn days later. The design was mainly finished when it was handed over but during the week changes have been made to certain sections like hero and footer, distances and so on. Some changes have been discussed but might not show in the design. Some things in the design I have tried to implement but not succeeded with, and some I couldn't do due to time issues. I encountered a lot of problems with the burger menu and it took me so many hours to get it to the way it is. I also had a lot of troubles with how to structure the code so I could translate my "course-cards" that I have mapped. I have successfully built my first image carousel which I enjoyed and also translated the app which was also new.
When encountering problems I have looked at StackOverflow, Google, chatGPT and read the burger menu manual. If I had more time I would try to get more details set in the design that I simply didn't have time to do.
Please visit: Link to the Figma-file with the design: