I will finish this part if I have time. For those who are not familiar to render, I personally strongly recommend you to watch GAMES101 in BiliBili.
The timeline of Differentiable Rendering is according to the papers I have read and I will put the related papers somewhere else.
We start by only considering primary visibility where all obejects in scenes are projected into the camera screen space (2D) utilizing camera pose. Then color of a pixel
Notice that the integral usually dosen't contain a closed-form solution so we rely on Monte Carlo integration to estimate the pixel color
We are interested in computing the derivative of the color of pixel
We can rewrite the scene function
We want to analytically differentiate the Heaviside step function
We can estimate the gradient using two Monte Carlo estimators. The first one estimates the integral over the edges of triangles containing the Dirac delta functions, and the second estimates the original pixel integral except the smooth function
To estimate the integral containing Dirac delta functions, we eliminate the Dirac function by performing variable substitution to rewrite the first term containing the Dirac delta function to an integral that integrates over the edge, that is, over the regions where
The gradients of the edge equations
As a byproduct of the derivation, we also obtain the screen space gradients
We use Monte Carlo sampling to estimate the Dirac integral. Recall that a triangle edge defines two half-spaces, therefore we need to compute the two values
In practice, if we employ smooth shading, most of the triangle edges are in the continuous regions and the Dirac integral is zero for these edges since by definition of continuity
(For secondary visibility, coming soon.)