tf-openpose and unity IK
this Unity project read tf-openpose data and move avators with IK or humanoid bones
Just play Unity editor. Now, Unity-chan moves according to posture information data. Attitude information data follows the naming convention.
./Assets/(Data_Path)/(FileName)+(numbers starting from 0).txt
Posture information is the one frame pose estimation result output as txt. For example, ./Assets/data_Doit/1000.txt is shown below.
[[[ 40.14869238 25.0827944 34.79516988 175.62203954 54.81346927 -100.59037752 57.12147974 47.59692211 7.5893725 -111.67703685 -97.95432334 19.7687591 101.26821028 -28.22508002 -16.54799451 -68.87994546 -187.91484028] [ 12.13893678 165.73579598 152.11861955 134.05310831 -141.45767522 -152.57585959 -125.2229218 8.80272922 -19.46985321 -16.11921428 -20.46784218 -170.66696495 -290.39149823 -285.19754306 145.97982669 329.49580272 279.11868701] [ -96.93716987 -177.03857125 -588.93828193 -959.98628182 -181.36536777 -617.07236162 -975.96549378 191.5918761 449.33956014 567.43281962 643.62707019 419.39150013 92.59446927 -190.12443007 430.91581316 272.80288035 283.6713988 ]]]
This is posture data st 1000 frame in this video.
Shia LaBeouf "Just Do It" Motivational Speech (Original Video by LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner)
Required components
This component use this IK. SAFullBodyIK
Data must be named ./Assets/(Data_Path)/(FileName)+(numbers starting from 0).txt
Required components
Data must be named ./Assets/(Data_Path)/(FileName)+(numbers starting from 0).txt
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