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This repository provides for the git-repo XML manifest for DnsQache. Effectively the default.xml file represents a 'bill of materials' necessary to build and deliver DnsQache.

Submitting Patches

You can send patches by using commands similar to the following example for Ubuntu (though development is not limited to Ubuntu):

sudo apt-get install git-review
cd <project>
<make edits>
git add -A
git commit -m "Message"

Register at [DnsQache Gerrit] ( (coming soon.) and use the username that you registered with git-review. Make sure to add your ssh keys to your Gerrit profile.

Submit patches in a single commit. Squash multiple commits using rebase similar to: git rebase -i HEAD~<# of commits>

The git-review package will only have to be installed once

If you are going to make extra additions, just repeat steps (Don't repo start again), but instead of git commit -m use git commit --amend. Gerrit will recognize it as a new patchset.

To view the status of your and other's patches, visit DnsQache Code Review

Getting Started

To get started with development, you'll need to get familiar with Git, Gerrit and Repo.

Setup build environment - Android SDK and NDK properly setup and on the path, Java (Sun), Make.

To initialize your local repository using the DnsQache trees, use a command like this:

repo init -u -b <branch>

To initialize for master branch builds:

repo init -u -b master

Then to sync up:

repo sync -j#

Where # is the specific number of Jobs (i.e., threads used for parallel syncing), 4 is default, change in accordance to internet performance/bandwidth/speed.

Then to build:

  1. Open Eclipse;
  2. Import the Project;
  3. Remove all broken external builders (NDK and Ant builders don't tranfer well);
  4. Add an NDK Builder with Location:
  • set to tha path to "ndk-build", and working directory set to;
  • set Working Directory to the directory in which you repo synced (i.e., ${workspace_loc:/dnsqache});
  • set the Refresh tab to "Specific resourses" and point to dnasqche/libs
  • set the Build Options to include After a Clean, During manual builds, During a Clean and Specify working set of relevant resources, with the latter pointing to dnsqache/jni;
  1. Add an Ant build called "Ant Assets Builder":
  • set the Buildfile to your ${workspace_loc/dnsqache/build.xml};
  • set the Base directory to your ${workspace_loc:/dnsqache};
  • set Refresh (tab) to Specific Resources pointing to "dnsqache/res/raw";
  • set Build Options to include Specify working set of relevant resources, with the latter pointing to dnsqache/libs;
  1. Build in Eclipse.


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