Powered by Hugo with PaperMod theme (as submodule).
GitHub Pages are deployed from deploy
hugo server
- run the server on localhost
hugo server --bind= --baseURL=http://AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD:1313
- run the server and expose it to local network
is your local IP address). To get local IP address: ipconfig
(on Windows),
find the correct adapter (Wi-Fi, Ethernet or something else) and take IPv4 Address.
hugo server --buildDrafts
- run the server (including draft content)
hugo new content posts/my-post.md
- create a new post
- hugo (see
for the version) - python 3.9+
pre-commit install
to enable pre-commit hooks locally
Shift + Alt + '-'
split window horizontallyShift + Alt + '+'
split window vertically