Due to the lack of a distributed reactive Spring Session implementations for relational databases, this projects aims to fill the gap with a fully reactive PostgreSQL Spring Session store.
The implementation is based on vertx-sql-client.
Supports JDK 8 and up. Does not depend on Spring Boot but can be easily used with Spring Boot.
A demo project is located under /reactive-spring-session-sample-app
written in Kotlin.
registers a ReactivePostgresSessionRepository
and a scheduled task that removes expired sessions from the database. Expired sessions
are never returned to the user, however could remain in the database until the scheduler
does the cleanup.
class PostgresSessionConfiguration {
fun pgConnectOptions(@Value("\${postgres.port}") postgresPort: Int): PgConnectOptions =
fun poolOptions(): PoolOptions =
fun clock(): Clock =
fun webSessionManager(repository: ReactiveSessionRepository<out Session>): WebSessionManager {
val sessionStore = SpringSessionWebSessionStore(repository)
val manager = DefaultWebSessionManager()
manager.sessionStore = sessionStore
return manager
reactive-spring-session-vertx is used in production @REWE digital for their Spring Gateway based reactive API gateway.
Just test and build, will start Postgres as embedded databases:
mvn clean verify
Deploy the current SNAPSHOT to oss.sonatype.org:
mvn -P release -pl reactive-spring-session-postgres -am clean deploy
Deploy a RELEASE to oss.sonatype.org:
mvn release:prepare
mvn -P release clean deploy
mvn -P release nexus-staging:rc-list
mvn -P release -DstagingRepositoryId=netandreaskluth-<some-id> nexus-staging:release
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The MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)