###What's this
I think everyone using Protractor to test their AngularJS web app should be able to straightaway:
- Run the same tests once in each different browser (multi capabilities)
- For each browser type they have, run their test specs in parallel (file sharding)
- For this setup, have a XML JUnit format report already consolidated for easy integration with CI such as Jenkins
- For this setup, have a HTML format report easily readable to summarize execution and with screen captures
- Be able to run all tests in this setup with a simple command (we used grunt)
So this is a gist showing how to achieve just that.
Install Node.js
Install Grunt-cli
###Give it a go
Clone this repository
npm install
grunt install
###From here on
Create test specs in tests/e2e/specs
Create page objects in tests/e2e/pageobjects
And test away.
##What is a ruru? The ruru is the morepork owl http://www.doc.govt.nz/nature/native-animals/birds/birds-a-z/morepork-ruru/ In Maori tradition this owl is seen as a guardian, its "ru-ru" chant can mean a good sign of things to come or its high pitched cry can mean bad news.