NodeJs web scraper with ability to crawl
npm i
import { ScraperX } from 'scraperx';
There are 2+ types of content we can get from element
selector@text // will get text content of element
selector@html // will get outer html of element
selector@attr // will get value of attribute you specify
ScraperX.html('...').crawl(linkSelector, scope ,selectors, maxPages?);
// The contents of selector will be used for navigation to next page
// scraper will crawl to max page, or until there is a valid link
ScraperX.html('<p>Lorem Ipsum</p>', 'p@text').find('p@text');
(await ScraperX.url('', 'p@text')).find('p@text');
ScraperX.find('<p>Lorem Ipsum</p>', 'p@text');
ScraperX.$find('', 'p@text');
// if parentSelectors is "div", all child selectors will be "div selector"
ScraperX.html('...').find('div', {
title: 'p.title@text',
subtitle: 'p.subtitle@text',
link: 'a@href',
outerHtml: '&@html',
//Global filters
ScraperX.globalFilters = {
trim: (str) => str.trim(),
replace: (str, search, replace) => str.replace(search, replace || ''),
//Instance specific Filters
trim: (str) => str.trim(),
replace: (str, search, replace) => str.replace(search, replace || ''),
// filter can be applied in two ways
// "selector | filter" or "selector | filter:arg1,arg..."
const url = '';
const html = '<div><span id="a" >Span Text </span></div>'; // Can be used instead of url for testing
const scraper = ScraperX.html(html);
scraper.find('span#a'); // "Span Text "
scraper.find('span#a | trim'); // "Span Text"
scraper.find('span#a | replace:Span,Div'); // "Div Text "
const urlScraper = await ScraperX.url(url);
// ...
By default all null items (where every field is blank) are filtered out
// The filter can be ignored by setting
ScraperX.filterNonNullValues = false;