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bump version to 0.38.2 and remove outdated information #4

bump version to 0.38.2 and remove outdated information

bump version to 0.38.2 and remove outdated information #4

Workflow file for this run

name: build
on: [push]
fc_ver: 2.14.2
ft_ver: 2-13-2
hb_ver: 8.3.1
fb_ver: 1.0.13
ass_ver: 0.17.2
- os: windows-latest
identifier: win
# - os: macos-latest
# identifier: osx
- os: ubuntu-latest
identifier: linux
arch: ['x64'] # 'arm64'
name: build-${{ matrix.env.os }}-${{ matrix.arch }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.env.os }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: install deps (ubuntu)
if: matrix.env.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: |
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y meson ninja-build nasm
git clone -b ${{ env.fc_ver }} --depth=1 fontconfig-${{ env.fc_ver }}
git clone --recurse-submodules -b VER-${{ env.ft_ver }} --depth=1 freetype-${{ env.ft_ver }}
git clone --recurse-submodules -b ${{ env.hb_ver }} --depth=1 harfbuzz-${{ env.hb_ver }}
git clone -b v${{ env.fb_ver }} --depth=1 fribidi-${{ env.fb_ver }}
git clone -b ${{ env.ass_ver }} --depth=1 libass-${{ env.ass_ver }}
- name: set msbuild (windows)
if: matrix.env.os == 'windows-latest'
uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1
- name: install deps and set env (windows)
if: matrix.env.os == 'windows-latest'
run: |
choco install ninja nasm pkgconfiglite
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install meson
$env:PKG_CONFIG_PATH = "C:/lib/pkgconfig"
Add-Content -Path $env:GITHUB_ENV -Value "PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$env:PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
# Get-ChildItem env:
git clone -b ${{ env.ass_ver }} --depth=1 libass-${{ env.ass_ver }}
- name: build freetype (ubuntu)
if: matrix.env.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: |
cd freetype-${{ env.ft_ver }}
meson --default-library=static -Dharfbuzz=disabled -Dbrotli=disabled -Dpng=disabled -Dzlib=disabled build
meson compile -C build
sudo meson install -C build
- name: build fontconfig (ubuntu)
if: matrix.env.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: |
cd fontconfig-${{ env.fc_ver }}
meson --default-library=static -Ddoc=disabled -Dtests=disabled -Dcache-build=disabled build
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install
- name: build harbuzz (ubuntu)
if: matrix.env.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: |
cd harfbuzz-${{ env.hb_ver }}
meson --default-library=static -Dtests=disabled -Dintrospection=disabled -Ddocs=disabled build
meson compile -C build
sudo meson install -C build
- name: build fribidi (ubuntu)
if: matrix.env.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: |
cd fribidi-${{ env.fb_ver }}
meson --default-library=static -Ddocs=false -Dtests=false --backend=ninja build
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install
- name: build libass (ubuntu)
if: matrix.env.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: |
cd ./libass-${{ env.ass_ver }}
CFLAGS="-fPIC" CXXFLAGS="-fPIC" ./configure --disable-shared
make -j2
sudo make install
- name: build libass (windows)
if: matrix.env.os == 'windows-latest'
run: |
cd ./libass-${{ env.ass_ver }}
meson wrap update-db
meson wrap install fribidi
# meson wrap install fontconfig
meson wrap install freetype2
meson wrap install expat
meson wrap install harfbuzz
meson wrap install libpng
meson wrap install zlib
meson -Ddefault_library=static -Dbuildtype=release -Dasm=enabled -Db_vscrt=static_from_buildtype build
meson compile -C build
meson install -C build
- name: build (ubuntu)
if: matrix.env.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: |
cmake -B build -S .
cmake --build build --clean-first
- name: build (windows)
if: matrix.env.os == 'windows-latest'
run: |
cmake -B build -S . -D CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY=MultiThreaded
cd build
msbuild /t:Rebuild /m /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=${{ matrix.arch }} .\assrender.sln
- name: set short version
shell: bash
run: |
ver_short=`git rev-parse --short HEAD`
echo "VERSION=$ver_short" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: upload
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: assrender_${{ matrix.env.identifier }}-${{ matrix.arch }}_${{ env.VERSION }}
path: |