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This repository includes sample P4 programs, publicly available, plus commands used to analyze them, and the output files those commands produce.

The section "Output files of p4-graphs" below contains some documentation to aid in interpreting the output files of that program.

Related repositories

  • and fork - Python source code for p4-validate and p4-graphs programs that parse P4 source code and produce HLIR (High Level Intermediate Representation) of the program. This is a collection of Python data structures representing things in the program like headers, tables, actions, conditional expressions, etc. plus dependencies and relationships between them. My forked version has some additional command line options for p4-graphs that are used in this repository.

  • - source for switch.p4, copied into this repository in directory v1.0.3/switch-orig/

Output files of p4-graphs

This command:

p4-graphs <basename>.p4

produces several output files, if it successfully parses the input file, and the p4 program passes several semantic checks:

  • Parse graph in files: <basename>.parser.*
  • Table control flow graph in files: <basename>.tables.*
  • Table dependency graphs in files: <basename>.ingress.tables_dep.* for ingress pipeline, and <basename>.egress.tables_dep.* for egress pipeline.

The .dot files are input files in the syntax expected by the dot program in the GraphViz package. They are used to generate the corresponding drawings of graphs in files in formats like .eps or .png.

More details about each of these graphs is given below.

Parse graph

Files: <basename>.parser.*

Command line option: --parser

Primary functions in p4-graphs that generates them: export_parse_graph and dump_parser in file source file

Small example for mtag-edge.p4: v1.0.3/mtag/out1-unchanged/mtag-edge.parser.png

Larger example for switch.p4: v1.0.3/switch-orig/out1-unchanged/switch.parser.png

Parse graphs give good detailed representations of the parser nodes and the field values used to decide which parse node to go to next. They contain nothing about tables or actions. Each parse graph begins with the packet arriving from the wire, and ends with the first table access.

TBD: Give 'legend' explaining shapes, styles, and colors of nodes and edges.

TBD: Link to example, calling out pieces of it and what they mean.

Table control flow graph

Files: <basename>.tables.*

Command line option: --table

Primary functions in p4-graphs that generates them: export_table_graph and dump_table

Small example for mtag-edge.p4: v1.0.3/mtag/out1-unchanged/mtag-edge.tables.png

Larger example for switch.p4: v1.0.3/switch-orig/out1-unchanged/switch.tables.png

I believe the main point of these graphs is to graphically show the control flow of apply(table) occurrences in the P4 program, relative to 'if' conditions, with 'then'/'else' branches of the 'if' condition explicitly represented. TBD whether this description is missing any details, which I may not get to soon, since the table dependency graphs are more useful for my current purposes.

All sequential dependencies between apply(table) actions are also shown (e.g. apply(T1) is before apply(T2) sequentially means a directed edge from T1 to T2 in this graph). All possible action names for tables are also shown explicitly below each table, branching out beneath the table, since the semantics are that exactly one of those actions will be performed as a result of the apply(table).

There is nothing in this graph to represent any other dependencies between tables, e.g. the MATCH, ACTION, SUCCESSOR, etc. dependendencies that appear in the table dependency graph (see below).

Table control flow graphs have these elements in them, from looking at the output of p4-v1.0.3/mtag-edge.p4 and comparing it to the source code.


  • double-circled node - Used for special nodes 'buffer', representing buffering point at end of ingress pipeline, just before egress pipeline, and for node 'egress' at end of egress pipeline. My guess is that it is probably not used for any other nodes in this graph.

  • ellipse node - Used for tables. Table nodes have one solid arrowed edge leading out of it for each possible action of the table, labeled with the name of the action.

  • rectangle node - Used for conditional expressions in an 'if' statement. The box contains the conditional expression. Leading out of the node are two solid lines. The one ending with a circle filled in black is the 'true' / 'then' branch. The one ending with a circle filled in white is the 'false' / 'else' branch.

Table dependency graph

Files: <basename>.ingress.tables_dep.* for ingress pipeline, and <basename>.egress.tables_dep.* for egress pipeline. Also a table of schedule accesses obeying the dependencies in the p4 program, and requiring the fewest number of stages possible, is given in the standard output.

Command line option: --deps

Additional command line options in my forked version of p4-graphs that customize how table dependency graphs are drawn (see output of p4-graphs -h for more details): --deps-no-control-flow-edges --deps-no-condition-labels --deps-no-fields-on-edges.

Primary functions in p4-graphs that generates them: export_table_dependency_graph in file, and build_table_graph_ingress, build_table_graph_egress, and generate_graph in file

Small examples for mtag-edge.p4:

Larger examples for switch.p4:

The same switch.p4 source code as the previous examples, but with many details omitted, to make the graphs smaller (no control flow edges, no labels on edges, no code of conditions in condition nodes):

Legend for nodes:

  • ellipse - table node, corresponding with a single 'table' definition in the source code. With recent versions of p4-hlir, a table can appear more than once in a graph if it is apply'ed in disjoint conditional branches. See v1.0.3/table-twice-exclusive/
  • rectangle - condition node, most likely always corresponding with a single 'if' statement's condition in the source code.

Legend for edges:

Edges represent dependencies between nodes. They are listed below from 'most restrictive' to 'least restrictive', meaning the restrictions that the dependency makes about when the two actions can be scheduled relative to one another.

Short version just to get the color and dependency type correspondence:

  • MATCH red - most restrictive
  • ACTION blue
  • SUCCESSOR green
  • REVERSE_READ orange (or yellow)
  • CONTROL_FLOW dotted black - least restrictive

Longer version with more details. In all cases, if there is a label on the edge, it is a list of packet fields that are the ones that cause the dependency to exist.

  • MATCH dependency, drawn as red solid line with arrow, and label. Can only be from a table, but to either a table or a condition. Represents at least one action of 'from' table writing a field that 'to' condition reads, or that 'to' table uses in its table search key. The action represented by the 'to' node cannot begin until the 'from' table action is completely finished.

  • ACTION dependency, drawn as blue solid line with arrow. Can only be from a table, to a table. Represents at least one action of 'from' table writing a field that 'to' table action reads or writes, but 'to' table does not use the field in its search key. The table search represented by the 'to' node can begin before the 'from' table action completes, but the 'to' table action needs to wait until 'from' table action completes, if it is W->R action dependency. If it is W->W action dependency (there are at least some examples of this in switch.p4, e.g. table 'ip_acl' to 'ipv4_racl' and 'ipv6_racl', and also to those two tables from 'ipv6_acl' and 'mac_acl'), then 'to' table action just needs to have its writes occur after 'from' table action writes.

  • SUCCESSOR dependency, drawn as green solid line with filled in circle, no label. Occurs when a 'from' table does an apply(to_table) conditionally, based on the action of the result, or the hit/miss part of the result. Also occurs from a condition or table, to a condition or table, I believe to indicate the sequential order of those two things (TBD whether there is more to it than this).

  • REVERSE_READ dependency, drawn as yellow (or orange) solid line, and label. This occurs from a table that reads a field, or from a condition that reads a field, to a table that has an action that writes the field. In the RMT hardware architecture, it is straightforward to schedule these in the same stage, but the reason for the dependency is to ensure that the 'from' table/condition is not executed after the 'to' table action writes.

  • CONTROL_FLOW dependency, drawn as black dotted line with arrow, no label (dependency is in quotes because such dependencies make no restrictions on scheduling -- we are free to reorder two events during exection if none of the other dependencies above apply between two nodes).

References in the code:

For each table, its dependencies are iterated through in function generate_graph via the method dependencies_for. When edges to be added to the table dependency graph are constructed in the __init__ method of class Edge, the type_ attribute of the Edge object is set to one of the following:

  • red line - MATCH if the dependency object inherits from class MatchDep. A MatchDep dependency indicates that the 'from' table has an action that writes a field of the packet, and the 'to' node is either a table that uses the field in its search key, or a condition node that reads the field. See function is_match_dependency.

  • blue line - ACTION if the dependency object inherits from class ActionDep. An ActionDep is a dependency that is not a MatchDep, but the 'from' table has an action that writes a field, and the 'to' node is a table that accesses the field, either reading or writing it (TBD if there is an existing example of that 'to' node also writing the field in its action). See function is_action_dependency.

  • green line - SUCCESSOR if the dependency object inherits from class SuccessorDep. TBD English description. See functions is_successor_dependency and is_predication_dependency.

  • yellow or orange line - REVERSE_READ if the dependency object inherits from class ReverseReadDep. See function is_reverse_read_dependency. (I made my own modification to p4-hlir to change color to orange, for better contrast against white background.)

  • dotted line - CONTROL_FLOW if the table is not returned by dependencies_for method, but is in the next_ collection for the table (not sure what that is yet).

TBD: Note that some 'tables' in a p4 program can have no 'reads' block, and thus no search key. Such a table is only there for the actions it can perform. switch.p4's table switch_config_params is one example of this. It would be nice to include in the graph table node labels a string like "key 57", where the number is the total number of bits in all fields in the 'reads' statement, if the table has one, or 0 if it does not. It would also be nice to indicate the number of bits in the table's result with a string like "result 10".

TBD: There are functions generate_dot in two different source files of p4-hlir, with many similarities, but not identical. Files:

  • Version used by p4-graphs program: p4_hlir/graphs/
  • Version not used by p4-graphs program: p4_hlir/hlir/

Why? Is one obsolete? Should one be eliminated in favor of the other?

TBD: I found there is a function transitive_reduction in the HLIR code, to reduce the number of dependencies to a smaller set (perhaps a minimal set?). It is used when p4-graphs is run, via this call flow through the p4-graphs code:

  • h = HLIR(args.source) (HLIR is p4_hlir.main.HLIR)
  •, which calls:
  • p4.p4_dependencies() in file p4_hlir/hlir/, which calls:
  • dep.annotate_hlir() in file p4_hlir/hlir/, which calls:
  • transitive_reduction() in that same file, for both ingress_graph and egress_graph

My forked version of p4-graphs adds a new command line option --deps-skip-transitive-reduction that skips this step, since it has been found to take a long time for some larger P4 programs. Skipping that step can cause dot to take too long to generate drawings of the dependency graphs, so I also added the option --dot-format none to skip running dot. The .dot text files will still be generated.

TBD: It seems like it should be possible to do this in linear or quadratic time rather than the O(N^3) claimed in the source code comments, because the dependency graph must be a DAG. The existing transitive_reduction code takes different types of dependency edges into account, though, so not sure how to preserve that behavior even if there is a faster algorithm for 'normal graphs' with only one type of edge.

TBD: The table dependency graphs currently always show SuccessorDep's with a circle at the 'to' end of the line, indicating a True branch for the condition. This is often incorrect. The function generate_dot in file is probably using the wrong condition to determine whether to draw the arrowhead as a dot or a diamond using the value edge.dep.value, or perhaps edge.dep.value is not initialized correctly when creating the data structure from which the graph is drawn. It would be nice to correct that.

Other stuff that might be useful to incorporate above some time

These things may be useful to incorporate in the main text above some time, but for now I am treating it as kind of a 'dumping ground' of things that I will likely end up deleting, to keep the text above a bit shorter.

Table control flow graph extra stuff

Nodes with ellipses around them include the following, and correspond 1 for 1 with 'table' definition in the .p4 source code, with the same names:


Each of those nodes has one or more lines with arrowheads leading downwards out of them. Each is labeled with the name of one of the actions defined for the table. Often the destinations of these arrows are the same next node, but they can differ. The one example I have seen of them differing so far is for the table 'egress_meter', where the arrowed line labeled 'hit' goes to the table 'meter_policy', but the arrowed line labeled 'miss' skips that table and goes to the 'egress' node.

NOTE: In the standard output of the p4-graphs command for input file mtag-edge.p4, it shows the following:

parsing successful
semantic checking successful
Header type standard_metadata_t not byte-aligned, adding padding
Generating files in directory /home/andy/p4/andy-tests/mtag-v1.0.2


['strip_mtag', 'identify_port']
pipeline ingress requires at least 3 stages

['egress_check', 'egress_meter']
pipeline egress requires at least 2 stages

I am not sure yet how to interpret the output after the 'INGRESS PIPELINE' line.

It could be that it is indicating that tables 'strip_mtag' and 'identify_port' can be searched concurrently, because even though the 'apply' operation for table 'identify_port' is sequentially after the one for 'strip_mtag' in the p4 source code, the search key for 'identify_port' does not depend upon the actions of table 'strip_mtag'.

The search key for table identify_port contains only standard_metadata.ingress_port. That field is used several times in the source code, but only to read it, never to modify it.

As an experiment, I added a field to table identify_port's search key that is modified by an action of table strip_mtag, field local_metadat.mtagged. The standard output changed to the below:

parsing successful
semantic checking successful
Header type standard_metadata_t not byte-aligned, adding padding
Generating files in directory /home/andy/p4/andy-tests/mtag-v1.0.2


pipeline ingress requires at least 4 stages

['egress_check', 'egress_meter']
pipeline egress requires at least 2 stages

That is a pretty strong indication that my guess above is correct about dependencies.

local_switching search key does depend upon action of identify_port, because action 'common_set_port_type' of table 'identify_port' modifies field 'local_metadata.ingress_error', which is used in 'control ingress' in an 'if' condition to decide whether to do any further table searches.

That field cannot be modified by actions of table 'strip_mtag', but 'strip_mtag' is sequentially before the if condition, and its actions must be done before finishing ingress pipeline, so may as well do it before the if condition is evaluated and then/else branches selected.

There is an 'if' checking value of field 'standard_metadata.egress_spec' after table local_switching is applied, and that field can be modified by one of that table's actions, so mTag_table access is dependent upon result of table local_switching.

Table 'egress_meter' is applied in the egress pipeline sequentially after table 'egress_check', but the search key of 'egress_meter' cannot be modified by the actions of 'egress_check' (I verified this by reading through the code). Thus it makes sense that they would show up in standard output as possibly concurrent.

Table 'meter_policy' access depends upon hit/miss result of table 'egress_meter', so is dependent upon it. From examining the graph <basename>.egress.tables_dep.png, it shows that the key of table meter_policy includes field local_metadata.color, which is modified by an action of table egress_meter.

Table dependency graph extra stuff


Possible kinds of dependencies I can think of right now, which I hope includes everything, but I may be missing something.

A single node (an apply(table), or conditional expression evaluation of an 'if' statement) might do these things with a single field:

  • table node that:
    • reads field to create search key
    • reads field in action
    • writes field in action
    • any subset of the above 3 possibilities
  • condition node that reads field to evaluate the condition

Let N1 and N2 be two nodes, where in the P4 source code N1 is executed sequentially before N2, and let F be the set of fields that they both access.

If N1 and N2 only read the fields in F, then there need not be any dependency between them. They can be executed in an arbitrary order, and the effects will be the same.

If there is a field that N1 writes and N2 reads, then clearly N1's write should finish before N2's read starts. If N2's read is for constructing a table search key, then the search cannot be initiated until N1's write completes. This is called a MatchDep in HLIR source code, and p4-graphs indicates it with a red line.

See function is_match_dependency for details of how the code determines whether the dependency is a MatchDep.

In function count_min_stages, if N1 to N2 is a MatchDep, then N2 must be in a stage at least 1 more than N1. That makes sense in a hardware architecture where all writes are done at the end of a stage, and all reads at the beginning.


  • switch.p4 table ingress_port_mapping to table port_vlan_mapping, because ingress_port_mapping's only action modifies field ingress_metadata.ifindex, and port_vlan_mapping's search key includes that field.
  • switch.p4 table ingress_port_mapping to condition "_condition_20 (ingress_metadata.port_type == 0)", because ingress_port_mapping's only action modifies field ingress_metadata.port_type, and the condition reads that field.

However, if all of N2's reads of N1's writes are in N2's table action, then N2's table search could be started before N1's writes complete, as long as N2's actions do not start until after N1's writes complete. This is called an ActionDep in HLIR source code, and p4-graphs indicates it with a blue line.

See function is_action_dependency for details.

In function count_min_stages, if N1 to N2 is an ActionDep, then N2 must be in a stage at least 1 more than N1. That makes sense in a hardware architecture where all writes are done at the end of a stage, and all reads at the beginning.


  • switch.p4 table ingress_port_mapping to table switch_config_params, because ingress_port_mapping's only action modifies field ingress_metadata.ifindex, and table switch_config_param's only action reads that field. None of switch_config_param's search key fields are modified by ingress_port_mapping's action, otherwise this would be a MatchDep instead.

If N1 reads a field that N2 writes, then executing N2's write before N1's read would in general change the behavior of N1, and make it behave in a way that violates the sequential execution of N1 followed by N2. This is similar to a MatchDep, in that N2's writes can only be in its actions, so the launching of a table search for N2 can be started before N1's reads complete. This is called a ReverseReadDep in HLIR source code.

See function is_reverse_read_dependency for details.

In function count_min_stages, if N1 to N2 is a ReverseReadDep, then N2 may be in later stage as N1, or the same stage as N1. That makes sense in a hardware architecture where all writes are done simultaneously at the end of a stage, and all reads simultaneously at the beginning.


  • switch.p4 table validate_outer_ethernet to table fabric_ingress_dst_lkp, because the validate_outer_ethernet reads field ethernet.etherType in at least one action, and table fabric_ingress_dst_lkp's action terminate_cpu_packet writes that field.

If fields in F are only written, then N2's writes should be after N1's writes, to preserve the effects of sequential execution. Reads can be done in any order. TBD: Is there a name for this kind of dependency in HLIR source code?

Another case that doesn't quite fit into the list of possibilities above is called a SuccessorDep in the HLIR source code.


  • switch.p4 table ipv4_src_vtep to table ipv4_dest_vtep, which has a 'conditional barrier' between them because the control block process_ipv4_vtep that apply's table ipv4_src_vtep only does apply on ipv4_dest_vtep if the result from table ipv4_src_vtep was action src_vtep_hit. True return from function is_predication_dependency because the conditional barrier cb[1] is of class p4_action, where the action is src_vtep_hit.

  • Another similar example: switch.p4 table nat_src to nat_flow, because apply on nat_flow is only done if result of nat_src lookup is action on_miss.

  • Different reason for a SuccessorDep is from table validate_outer_ethernet to _condition_0 with description "(valid ipv4)". This case also returns true from is_predication_dependency but this time because the conditional barrier cb[1] is of class tuple. I am not sure why, but the tuple appears to contain one element for each action of table validate_outer_ethernet. The condition '(valid ipv4)' appears to come from the line of code "if (valid(ipv4)) {" in control block process_validate_outer_header, which first does apply on validate_outer_ethernet, and only if the action is not malformed_outer_ethernet_packet does it evaluate that if statement.

  • Different reason for a SuccessorDep is from _condition_33 with description "(((ingress_metadata.bypass_lookups & 2) == 0) and (multicast_metadata.ipv4_multicast_enabled == 1))" to table ipv4_multicast_route. This causes function is_successor_dependency in the HLIR source code to return true. The condition comes from an if condition in control block process_ipv4_multicast, and the apply on table ipv4_multicast_route is only done if that condition is true.

  • Another that causes is_successor_dependency to return true is from _condition_0 with description "(valid ipv4)" to _condition_1 with description "(valid ipv6)". This comes from control block process_validate_outer_header, where _condition_0 is from the line "if (valid(ipv4)) {" and _condition_1 is from the line "if (valid (ipv6)) {".

TBD: Function count_min_stages allows scheduling of two table accesses for tables T1 and T2 in the same stage even if there is a conditional operation SuccessorDep dependency between them, from T1 to T2.

It seems perfectly OK to me to do such table accesses simultaneously as long as there are no side effects from launching the table access on T2, but what if there are? What if T2 has a set of per-entry stats associated with it directly, that should count number of times each entry of T2 was matched? Either the counter update needs to be done after that stage, e.g. after the condition can be correctly evaluated, or else you will update the stats when T2 is searched, making at least the stats update behavior different than the sequential execution of the P4 program would give.

"Almost example" from switch.p4: control block process_ipv4_urpf looks up a table with apply(ipv4_urpf), and only if the result is type on_miss does it apply(ipv4_urpf_lpm). There are no statistics associated with ipv4_urpf_lpm, so I see no issue with scheduling them at the same time. I suppose I could try a small modification to the switch.p4 code that had stats on ipv4_urpf_lpm to see if it caused it to be scheduled in a separate stage, but my guess is that as the p4-graphs code is written, it would not.



Some sample P4 programs and notes






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