NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute
Part 1: An Introduction to Deep Learning
Part 2: How a Neural Network Trains
Part 3: Convolutional Neural Networks
Part 4: Data Augmentation and Deployment
Part 5: Pre-trained Models
Part 6: Advanced Architectures
Tools, libraries, and frameworks: Tensorflow, Keras, Pandas, NumPy
Learning Objectives
By participating in this workshop, you’ll:
Learn the fundamental techniques and tools required to train a deep learning model
Gain experience with common deep learning data types and model architectures
Enhance datasets through data augmentation to improve model accuracy
Leverage transfer learning between models to achieve efficient results with less data and computation
Build confidence to take on your own project with a modern deep learning framework
1. The Mechanics of Deep Learning
Explore the fundamental mechanics and tools involved in successfully training deep neural networks:
Train your first computer vision model to learn the process of training.
Introduce convolutional neural networks to improve accuracy of predictions in vision applications.
Apply data augmentation to enhance a dataset and improve model generalization.
2. Pre-trained Models and Recurrent Networks
Leverage pre-trained models to solve deep learning challenges quickly. Train recurrent neural networks on sequential data:
Integrate a pre-trained image classification model to create an automatic doggy door.
Leverage transfer learning to create a personalized doggy door that only lets in your dog.
Train a model to autocomplete text based on New York Times headlines.
3. Final Project: Object Classification
Apply computer vision to create a model that distinguishes between fresh and rotten fruit.
Create and train a model that interprets color images.
Build a data generator to make the most out of small datasets.
Improve training speed by combining transfer learning and feature extraction.