Konkuk University 2nd Semester Final Year Project. Doctor App is an application developed for mental health doctors to monitor and send feedback to students who are in need of mental health advice. This application also uses REST API to update the biometric information tracked using FitBit to the doctors for analysis.
This Project is completed for University purposes. Feel free to use it for educational purposes. Not for business purposes!
- Flutter framework
- Dart language
- Adobe XD
- Firebase
- MongoDB
👦 Team Leader: Hani Qamaliah
👧 Front-end: Amirul Arif
👦 Back-end: Nik Amir Zakwan
Signup & Login: Allow the doctors to signup and login.
List Page: Consist of a list of patients which enables the doctors to view each of thier respective information by simply tapping on them.
Patient Info Page: Contains information of each patient such as thier survey scores, mood log information, graphical data including heartbeat rate, sleep log and walking distance to help them better analyse the physical condition of the patient.
Chatting: This function allows the doctors to send messages to the patients either to remind them for exercise or give them some new suggestions to improve thier sleeping schedule.