The idea is to be able to ask a set of predefined questions and accurately recognize the intent of the user. The predefined intents are the following:
- What is the weather like today? => Prints (Intent: Get Weather)
- What is the weather like in Paris today? => Prints (Intent: Get Weather City)
- What is the weather like in New York today? => Prints (Intent: Get Weather City)
- Am I free at 13:00 PM tomorrow? ==> Prints (Intent: Check calendar)
- Tell me an interesting fact. => Prints (Intent: Get Fact)
Requirements: CMake :
- Minimum CMake Version 3.10
- Since googltest is added a submodule, while cloning this repository use --recursive switch
- Install **cmake ** (details on the website mentioned above)
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ..
- make
- cd build/test
- ./intent_test
- Or instead of Step 1-2 write the following: make test
- cd build
- ./IntentRecognizer
- We can read city names from a file instead of hardcoding values in code
- We can store all types of sentences a user types in some document
- We can write a script (python or equivalent) which would be trained by reading the document