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feat(design): add sorting way based on regexps #8476

feat(design): add sorting way based on regexps

feat(design): add sorting way based on regexps #8476

GitHub Actions / IT Tests report-ubuntu-latest-npm succeeded Oct 31, 2024 in 0s

56 passed, 0 failed and 2 skipped

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
@ama-sdk/create/dist-test/it-report.xml 7✅ 496s
@ama-sdk/schematics/dist-test/it-report.xml 3ms
@o3r/analytics/dist-test/it-report.xml 2✅ 92s
@o3r/apis-manager/dist-test/it-report.xml 1✅ 69s
@o3r/application/dist-test/it-report.xml 1✅ 47s
@o3r/components/dist-test/it-report.xml 6✅ 254s
@o3r/configuration/dist-test/it-report.xml 2✅ 281s
@o3r/core/dist-test/it-report.xml 1✅ 1177s
@o3r/create/dist-test/it-report.xml 3✅ 236s
@o3r/design/dist-test/it-report.xml 1✅ 151s
@o3r/eslint-config-otter/dist-test/it-report.xml 2✅ 293s
@o3r/extractors/dist-test/it-report.xml 3✅ 261s
@o3r/localization/dist-test/it-report.xml 6✅ 476s
@o3r/new-version/dist-test/it-report.xml 1✅ 55s
@o3r/pipeline/dist-test/it-report.xml 2✅ 82s
@o3r/rules-engine/dist-test/it-report.xml 2✅ 169s
@o3r/stylelint-plugin/dist-test/it-report.xml 2✅ 122s
@o3r/styling/dist-test/it-report.xml 6✅ 300s
@o3r/testing/dist-test/it-report.xml 2✅ 2⚪ 310s
@o3r/third-party/dist-test/it-report.xml 1✅ 65s
@o3r/workspace/dist-test/it-report.xml 5✅ 360s

✅ @ama-sdk/create/dist-test/it-report.xml

7 tests were completed in 496s with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Create new sdk command 7✅ 485s

✅ Create new sdk command

Create new sdk command should generate a light SDK when the specification is provided
  ✅ Create new sdk command should generate a light SDK when the specification is provided
Create new sdk command should generate a full SDK when the specification is provided
  ✅ Create new sdk command should generate a full SDK when the specification is provided
Create new sdk command should generate a full SDK when the specification is provided as npm dependency
  ✅ Create new sdk command should generate a full SDK when the specification is provided as npm dependency
Create new sdk command should generate an SDK with no package scope
  ✅ Create new sdk command should generate an SDK with no package scope
Create new sdk command should generate an empty SDK ready to be used
  ✅ Create new sdk command should generate an empty SDK ready to be used
Create new sdk command should fail when there is an error
  ✅ Create new sdk command should fail when there is an error
Create new sdk command should use pinned versions when --exact-o3r-version is used
  ✅ Create new sdk command should use pinned versions when --exact-o3r-version is used

✅ @ama-sdk/schematics/dist-test/it-report.xml

No tests found

✅ @o3r/analytics/dist-test/it-report.xml

2 tests were completed in 92s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
ng add analytics 2✅ 83s

✅ ng add analytics

ng add analytics should add analytics to an application
  ✅ ng add analytics should add analytics to an application
ng add analytics should add analytics to a library
  ✅ ng add analytics should add analytics to a library

✅ @o3r/apis-manager/dist-test/it-report.xml

1 tests were completed in 69s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter application with apis-manager 1✅ 57s

✅ new otter application with apis-manager

new otter application with apis-manager should add apis-manager to existing application
  ✅ new otter application with apis-manager should add apis-manager to existing application

✅ @o3r/application/dist-test/it-report.xml

1 tests were completed in 47s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new Angular application 1✅ 32s

✅ new Angular application

new Angular application should add Otter Application to existing Angular app
  ✅ new Angular application should add Otter Application to existing Angular app

✅ @o3r/components/dist-test/it-report.xml

6 tests were completed in 254s with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
check metadata migration 4✅ 236s
ng add components 2✅ 143s

✅ check metadata migration

check metadata migration should not throw
  ✅ check metadata migration should not throw
check metadata migration should throw because no migration data
  ✅ check metadata migration should throw because no migration data
check metadata migration should throw because migration data invalid
  ✅ check metadata migration should throw because migration data invalid
check metadata migration should throw because breaking changes are not allowed
  ✅ check metadata migration should throw because breaking changes are not allowed

✅ ng add components

ng add components should add components to an application
  ✅ ng add components should add components to an application
ng add components should add components to a library
  ✅ ng add components should add components to a library

✅ @o3r/configuration/dist-test/it-report.xml

2 tests were completed in 281s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter application with configuration 2✅ 263s

✅ new otter application with configuration

new otter application with configuration should add configuration to an application
  ✅ new otter application with configuration should add configuration to an application
new otter application with configuration should add configuration to a library
  ✅ new otter application with configuration should add configuration to a library

✅ @o3r/core/dist-test/it-report.xml

1 tests were completed in 1177s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter application 1✅ 1158s

✅ new otter application

new otter application should build empty app
  ✅ new otter application should build empty app

✅ @o3r/create/dist-test/it-report.xml

3 tests were completed in 236s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Create new otter project command 3✅ 228s

✅ Create new otter project command

Create new otter project command should generate a project with an application
  ✅ Create new otter project command should generate a project with an application
Create new otter project command should generate a project with a library
  ✅ Create new otter project command should generate a project with a library
Create new otter project command should generate a project with an application with --exact-o3r-version
  ✅ Create new otter project command should generate a project with an application with --exact-o3r-version

✅ @o3r/design/dist-test/it-report.xml

1 tests were completed in 151s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter application with Design 1✅ 144s

✅ new otter application with Design

new otter application with Design should add design to existing application
  ✅ new otter application with Design should add design to existing application

✅ @o3r/eslint-config-otter/dist-test/it-report.xml

2 tests were completed in 293s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
ng add eslint-config 2✅ 276s

✅ ng add eslint-config

ng add eslint-config should add eslint-config to an application
  ✅ ng add eslint-config should add eslint-config to an application
ng add eslint-config should add eslint-config to a library
  ✅ ng add eslint-config should add eslint-config to a library

✅ @o3r/extractors/dist-test/it-report.xml

3 tests were completed in 261s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
aggregate migration scripts 1✅ 195s
ng add extractors 2✅ 242s

✅ aggregate migration scripts

aggregate migration scripts should create migration scripts including lib content
  ✅ aggregate migration scripts should create migration scripts including lib content

✅ ng add extractors

ng add extractors should add extractors to an application
  ✅ ng add extractors should add extractors to an application
ng add extractors should add extractors to a library
  ✅ ng add extractors should add extractors to a library

✅ @o3r/localization/dist-test/it-report.xml

6 tests were completed in 476s with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
check metadata migration 4✅ 456s
ng add otter localization 2✅ 275s

✅ check metadata migration

check metadata migration should not throw
  ✅ check metadata migration should not throw
check metadata migration should throw because no migration data
  ✅ check metadata migration should throw because no migration data
check metadata migration should throw because migration data invalid
  ✅ check metadata migration should throw because migration data invalid
check metadata migration should throw because breaking changes are not allowed
  ✅ check metadata migration should throw because breaking changes are not allowed

✅ ng add otter localization

ng add otter localization should add localization to an application
  ✅ ng add otter localization should add localization to an application
ng add otter localization should add localization to a library
  ✅ ng add otter localization should add localization to a library

✅ @o3r/new-version/dist-test/it-report.xml

1 tests were completed in 55s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
undefined 1✅ 41s

✅ undefined

 should add Otter Application to existing Angular app
  ✅ should add Otter Application to existing Angular app

✅ @o3r/pipeline/dist-test/it-report.xml

2 tests were completed in 82s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter project 2✅ 69s

✅ new otter project

new otter project should add a GitHub pipeline to existing project
  ✅ new otter project should add a GitHub pipeline to existing project
new otter project should add a GitHub pipeline to existing project with custom runner and registry
  ✅ new otter project should add a GitHub pipeline to existing project with custom runner and registry

✅ @o3r/rules-engine/dist-test/it-report.xml

2 tests were completed in 169s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
ng add rules-engine 2✅ 154s

✅ ng add rules-engine

ng add rules-engine should add rules engine to an application
  ✅ ng add rules-engine should add rules engine to an application
ng add rules-engine should add rules engine to a library
  ✅ ng add rules-engine should add rules engine to a library

✅ @o3r/stylelint-plugin/dist-test/it-report.xml

2 tests were completed in 122s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
ng add stylelint-plugin 2✅ 110s

✅ ng add stylelint-plugin

ng add stylelint-plugin should add stylelint-plugin to an application
  ✅ ng add stylelint-plugin should add stylelint-plugin to an application
ng add stylelint-plugin should add stylelint-plugin to a library
  ✅ ng add stylelint-plugin should add stylelint-plugin to a library

✅ @o3r/styling/dist-test/it-report.xml

6 tests were completed in 300s with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
check metadata migration 4✅ 282s
ng add styling 2✅ 171s

✅ check metadata migration

check metadata migration should not throw
  ✅ check metadata migration should not throw
check metadata migration should throw because no migration data
  ✅ check metadata migration should throw because no migration data
check metadata migration should throw because migration data invalid
  ✅ check metadata migration should throw because migration data invalid
check metadata migration should throw because breaking changes are not allowed
  ✅ check metadata migration should throw because breaking changes are not allowed

✅ ng add styling

ng add styling should add styling to an application
  ✅ ng add styling should add styling to an application
ng add styling should add styling to a library
  ✅ ng add styling should add styling to a library

✅ @o3r/testing/dist-test/it-report.xml

4 tests were completed in 310s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 2 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
ng add testing 2✅ 2⚪ 293s

✅ ng add testing

ng add testing should add testing to an application
  ✅ ng add testing should add testing to an application
ng add testing should add testing to an application and fixture to component
  ✅ ng add testing should add testing to an application and fixture to component
ng add testing should add testing to a library
  ⚪ ng add testing should add testing to a library
ng add testing should add testing to a library and fixture to component
  ⚪ ng add testing should add testing to a library and fixture to component

✅ @o3r/third-party/dist-test/it-report.xml

1 tests were completed in 65s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new Angular application 1✅ 50s

✅ new Angular application

new Angular application should add Otter Third Party to existing Angular app
  ✅ new Angular application should add Otter Third Party to existing Angular app

✅ @o3r/workspace/dist-test/it-report.xml

5 tests were completed in 360s with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
new otter workspace 5✅ 348s

✅ new otter workspace

new otter workspace should add sdk to an existing workspace
  ✅ new otter workspace should add sdk to an existing workspace
new otter workspace should add sdk to an existing workspace with local spec
  ✅ new otter workspace should add sdk to an existing workspace with local spec
new otter workspace should add sdk to an existing workspace with spec package name
  ✅ new otter workspace should add sdk to an existing workspace with spec package name
new otter workspace should add a library to an existing workspace
  ✅ new otter workspace should add a library to an existing workspace
new otter workspace should generate a monorepo setup
  ✅ new otter workspace should generate a monorepo setup