McMaster University
- Hamilton, Ontario
- 5h behind - https://acstokesjazzlounge.place
acstokesjazzlounge.place Public
Is any of that really unclear?
DrugRecommender Public
A Psychiatric Drug Recommender System: When will drugs have positive effects in the body --- and can we predict this without knowing anything about them chemically?
BelyiMapper.jl Public
Under development; currently, it is possible to generically solve for all Belyi maps (using homotopy continuation) for a given genus 0 dessin d'enfant passport and normalisation. Sometimes it can d…
MATH712Paper Public
A Thorough Write-up of Course Notes for: O-minimality & the Pila-Wilkie Theorem at the Fields Institute, Winter 2022
JigsawAI Public
Won 1st place in North America (Global Undergraduate Awards 2020) for achieving SOTA accuracies at piece-wise matching by learning CNN-produced latent representations with GBDTs
1 UpdatedMay 12, 2022 -
MixedSubdivisions.jl Public
Forked from saschatimme/MixedSubdivisions.jlA Julia package for computing a (fine) mixed subdivision and the mixed volume of lattice polytopes
turnerfentondecanode Public archive
The nodejs port of the Turner Fenton DECA webapp