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git clone [email protected]:altiano/goreen-tea.git --depth 1
cd goreen-tea
bash ./ <project-base-url> <porject-name>


bash ./ awesomeness-api      


  • Rest API with Iris
  • MongoDB as the database
  • Unit test with go-mock
  • OpenTelemetry with Jaeger tracing
  • DI with google wire
  • Docker & Kubernetes setup
  • Gitlab CI
  • Domain-centric architecture
  • Golang validation with Validator v9
  • VS Code tasks & snippets


I wrote an introduction article with the restaurant order sample at Goreen tea intro

The core architecture is inpired by Clean architecture, These how I would describe the archicture with my own understanding:

  • Frameworks/Drivers : things that do the actual IO (network, disk, RAM)
  • Adapters : the thing that maps the raw input/output to/from your application logic (use cases)
  • Use cases : high-level orchestration of your logic modules with the Frameworks/Drivers
  • Entities : A logic module

For more detail: The clean architeture

Disclaimer, I do not say that this is the correct way to implement that architecture but rather, I take inspiration from that and adjust it in a way that easier to develop for me.

Core architecture

goreen tea architecture


These models will serve as starting point, but you should adjust to meet your needs. For example, src/shared/utils.go may be refactored to a different folder inside src/shared.


This is the most important because it is contains all the applicaiton code. If we compare these with clean architecture terminology, then the intention are as follow:

  • /app : is about orchestrating the higher level view of your application use cases. It mainly offload the actual work to the domain and just have simple conditional controls. Should not do any calculation on its own.

  • domain : then will carry out a particular / modular goal that should have clearly defined scoped that is only contain business language/logic.

    • repo : the adapaters for database framework.
    • models : shared object models, errors or constants.
    • mocks : mocking objects for unit tests.
  • /frameworks : these are the layer that responsible for the implementation detail of program IO.

    • Input : To parse HTTP request (rest/iris.go), to listen for pub/sub events, to receive filesystem events etc.
    • Output : To store data to the memory for temporary storage (e.g. memcache/memcache.go) to the disk for persistent (e.g. database/mongodb.go) or to HTTP response (rest/iris.go) etc
  • /shared : shared models, utils, constants and config.go

    • config.go loads configuraiton from .env file or environment variables
    • consts.go application-wide constants
    • errors.go application-wide error constants
    • utils.go simple appliation-wide utilities

Framework & Adapters mapping

Below the mapping between Framework and its adapater:

  • Controller is the Adapter to rest Framework (Iris, Echo, GraphQL etc)
  • Resolvers is the Adapter to graphql Framework (standard GraphQL, Apollo, etc)
  • Handlers is the Adapter to websocket Framework (...)
  • Procedures is the Adapter to rpc Framework (GRPC, 🤷‍♂️ etc)
  • Listeners is the Adapter to messaging Framework (Kafka, RabitMQ, Nats, etc)
  • Runner is the Adapter to jobs Framework (custom one etc)
  • Repo is the Adapter to database Framework (MongoDB, MySQL, etc)

These are also adapters but so simple that each only implemented inside the framework package.

  • memcache.go is the Adapter to memcache Framework (Redis, BuntDB, etc)
  • opentelemetry.go is the Adapter to tracing Framework (OpenTelemetry, Jaeger, Newrelic, etc)
  • - is the Adapter to external http calls Framework [TODO]
  • dummyEmail.go is the Adapter to email Framework [TODO]

/main.go and /di folder

Entry point to bootstrap the application.


  • prod.dockerfile : using the multi-stage compilation to produce one executable including all golang runtime deps
  • debug.dockerfile : useful for debugging the container where all your source is there.


Here you can define how your application final k8s manifest should look like. I use kustomize to help building the manifest.

cd k8s/base
kustomize build . > myapp.yaml

If you want to override either for development purpose, you can use the dev folder, where it derived from base. In production you could do s similar thing after the base manifest is compiled. Learn more kustomize at :

PS: I use k3s for my kubernetes cluster


  • .gitlab-ci.yml : Gitlab CI
  • .misc/http/*.http : VS Code RestClient directories
  • .vscode : VS Code Golang debugger
  • .env : used by config.go
  • : script to initialize your project for the first time.


  • Data store
    • MongoDB seeding
    • MySQL support
    • Redis
  • Servers
    • GRPC
    • GraphQL
  • Messaging
    • Kafka
    • NATS

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Green Tea Icon by Pro Symbols on Iconscout