SwiftUI Picker for up to three values which conform to LosslessStringConvertible (e.g. String, Int, Double).
struct MultiPickerExample: View {
var values1: [String] = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]
var values2: [Int] = Array(0...23)
var values3: [Int] = Array(0...59)
@State var selection1: Int = 1
@State var selection2: Int = 1
@State var selection3: Int = 0
@State var hidePicker: Bool = false
var body: some View {
Toggle("Hide Picker", isOn: $hidePicker)
if !hidePicker{
Button(action: {
self.selection1 = 0
self.selection2 = 5
self.selection3 = 30
}) {
Text("Set to A 5 30")
MultiPicker(selection1: $selection1,
selection2: $selection2,
selection3: $selection3,
values1: values1,
values2: values2,
values3: values3,
values1Prefix: ">",
values3Suffix: "<",
middleText1: "-",
middleText2: "-")
VStack(alignment: .leading){
Text("Value 1: \(self.values1[selection1])")
Text("Value 2: \(self.values2[selection2])")
Text("Value 3: \(self.values3[selection3])")
Here is an example of use: https://github.com/AlmightyBeaver/HourPicker