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add configuration and custom generator for jet-jet gap trigger setup (#…
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* add configuration and custom generator for jet-jet gap trigger setup

* update O2DPG_ROOT

* add test for ini file
  • Loading branch information
jaimenorman authored Dec 12, 2024
1 parent 324594a commit 996d3b4
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Showing 5 changed files with 377 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
///#include "FairGenerator.h"
//#include "Generators/GeneratorPythia8.h"
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
#include "MC/config/PWGGAJE/hooks/jets_hook.C"
//#include "TRandom.h"
//#include <fairlogger/Logger.h>
//#include <string>
//#include <vector>

// Jet-jet custom event generator
// that alternates between 2 gun generators.
// set up to inject MB events alongside jet-jet events
// in 'MB-gap' mode.
// The number of MB events injected, and the PYTHIA config
// for each event type is defined by the user in the .ini
// generator file (e.g. GeneratorJE_gapgen5_hook.ini)
// Author: Jaime Norman ([email protected])

// o2-sim-dpl-eventgen --nEvents 10 --generator external --configKeyValues "GeneratorExternal.fileName=generator_pythia8_gaptrigger_jets_pythiabase.C;GeneratorExternal.funcName=getGeneratorPythia8GapGenJE()"

namespace o2
namespace eventgen

using namespace Pythia8;

/// A very simple gap generator alternating between 2 different particle guns
class GeneratorPythia8GapGenJE : public o2::eventgen::GeneratorPythia8
/// default constructor
GeneratorPythia8GapGenJE(int inputTriggerRatio = 5,std::string pathMB = "",std::string pathSignal = "") {

mGeneratedEvents = 0;
mInverseTriggerRatio = inputTriggerRatio;

auto seed = (gRandom->TRandom::GetSeed() % 900000000);

cout << "Initalizing extra PYTHIA object used to generate min-bias events..." << endl;
TString pathconfigMB = gSystem->ExpandPathName(TString(pathMB));
pythiaObjectMinimumBias.readString("Random:setSeed on");
pythiaObjectMinimumBias.readString("Random:seed " + std::to_string(seed));
cout << "Initalization complete" << endl;
cout << "Initalizing extra PYTHIA object used to generate signal events..." << endl;
TString pathconfigSignal = gSystem->ExpandPathName(TString(pathSignal));
pythiaObjectSignal.readString("Random:setSeed on");
pythiaObjectSignal.readString("Random:seed " + std::to_string(seed));
// load jet hook to ensure at least one jet is within detector acceptance
Pythia8::UserHooks *hook = pythia8_userhooks_jets();
cout << "Initalization complete" << endl;
// Add Sub generators
addSubGenerator(0, "MB generator");
addSubGenerator(1, "jet-jet generator");

/// Destructor
~GeneratorPythia8GapGenJE() = default;

void setUsedSeed(unsigned int seed)
mUsedSeed = seed;
unsigned int getUsedSeed() const
return mUsedSeed;

bool generateEvent() override

// Simple straightforward check to alternate generators

if (mGeneratedEvents % mInverseTriggerRatio == 0) {
LOG(info) << "Event " << mGeneratedEvents << ", generate signal event";
// Generate event of interest
Bool_t mGenerationOK = kFALSE;
while (!mGenerationOK) {
mGenerationOK =;
mPythia.event = pythiaObjectSignal.event;
LOG(info) << "--- Print info properties custom...";
else {
LOG(info) << "Event " << mGeneratedEvents << ", generate mb event";
// Generate minimum-bias event
Bool_t mGenerationOK = kFALSE;
while (!mGenerationOK) {
mGenerationOK =;
mPythia.event = pythiaObjectMinimumBias.event;
LOG(info) << "--- Print info properties custom...";
return true;

// for testing
void printEventHeaderProperties (Pythia8::Pythia &pythiaObject) {
LOG(info) << "Info name = " <<;
LOG(info) << "Info code = " <<;
LOG(info) << "Info weight = " <<;
LOG(info) << "Info id1pdf = " <<;
LOG(info) << "Info id2pdf = " <<;

LOG(info) << "Info x1pdf = " <<;
LOG(info) << "Info x2pdf = " <<;
LOG(info) << "Info QFac = " <<;
LOG(info) << "Info pdf1 = " <<;
LOG(info) << "Info pdf2 = " <<;

// Set cross section
LOG(info) << "Info sigmaGen = " <<;
LOG(info) << "Info sigmaErr = " <<;

// Set event scale and nMPI
LOG(info) << "Info QRen = " <<;
LOG(info) << "Info nMPI = " <<;

// Set weights (overrides cross-section for each weight)
size_t iw = 0;
auto xsecErr =>getTotalXsecErr();
for (auto w :>getTotalXsec()) {
std::string post = (iw == 0 ? "" : "_" + std::to_string(iw));
LOG(info) << "Info weight by index = " <<;


// in order to save the event weight we need to override the following function
// from the inherited o2::eventgen::GeneratorPythia8 class. The event header properties
// are created as members of this class, and are set using the active event generator
// (MB or jet-jet), then propagated to the event header
void updateHeader(o2::dataformats::MCEventHeader* eventHeader) override {
/** update header **/
using Key = o2::dataformats::MCInfoKeys;

eventHeader->putInfo<std::string>(Key::generator, "pythia8");
eventHeader->putInfo<int>(Key::generatorVersion, PYTHIA_VERSION_INTEGER);
eventHeader->putInfo<std::string>(Key::processName, name);
eventHeader->putInfo<int>(Key::processCode, code);
eventHeader->putInfo<float>(Key::weight, weight);

// Set PDF information
eventHeader->putInfo<int>(Key::pdfParton1Id, id1pdf);
eventHeader->putInfo<int>(Key::pdfParton2Id, id2pdf);
eventHeader->putInfo<float>(Key::pdfX1, x1pdf);
eventHeader->putInfo<float>(Key::pdfX2, x2pdf);
eventHeader->putInfo<float>(Key::pdfScale, QFac);
eventHeader->putInfo<float>(Key::pdfXF1, pdf1);
eventHeader->putInfo<float>(Key::pdfXF2, pdf2);

// Set cross section
eventHeader->putInfo<float>(Key::xSection, sigmaGen * 1e9);
eventHeader->putInfo<float>(Key::xSectionError, sigmaErr * 1e9);

// Set event scale and nMPI
eventHeader->putInfo<float>(Key::eventScale, QRen);
eventHeader->putInfo<int>(Key::mpi, nMPI);
LOG(info) << "--- updated header weight = " << weight;

// The following is also set in the base class updateHeader function
// but as far as I can tell, there is no Xsec weight in the default
// header so this is not copied over for now

//size_t iw = 0;
//auto xsecErr = info.weightContainerPtr->getTotalXsecErr();
//for (auto w : info.weightContainerPtr->getTotalXsec()) {
// std::string post = (iw == 0 ? "" : "_" + std::to_string(iw));
// eventHeader->putInfo<float>(Key::weight + post, info.weightValueByIndex(iw));
// eventHeader->putInfo<float>(Key::xSection + post, w * 1e9);
// eventHeader->putInfo<float>(Key::xSectionError + post, xsecErr[iw] * 1e9);
// iw++;

void setEventHeaderProperties (Pythia8::Pythia &pythiaObject) {

auto& info =;

name =;
code = info.code();
weight = info.weight();
// Set PDF information
id1pdf = info.id1pdf();
id2pdf = info.id2pdf();
x1pdf = info.x1pdf();
x2pdf = info.x2pdf();
QFac = info.QFac();
pdf1 = info.pdf1();
pdf2 = info.pdf2();
// Set cross section
sigmaGen = info.sigmaGen();
sigmaErr = info.sigmaErr();
// Set event scale and nMPI
QRen = info.QRen();
nMPI = info.nMPI();

// Interface to override import particles
Pythia8::Event mOutputEvent;

// Properties of selection
unsigned int mUsedSeed;

// Control gap-triggering
unsigned long long mGeneratedEvents;
int mInverseTriggerRatio;

// Handling generators
Pythia8::Pythia pythiaObjectMinimumBias;
Pythia8::Pythia pythiaObjectSignal;

// header info - needed to save event properties
std::string name;
int code;
float weight;
// PDF information
int id1pdf;
int id2pdf;
float x1pdf;
float x2pdf;
float QFac;
float pdf1;
float pdf2;
// cross section
float sigmaGen;
float sigmaErr;
// event scale and nMPI
float QRen;
int nMPI;


} // namespace eventgen
} // namespace o2

/** generator instance and settings **/

FairGenerator* getGeneratorPythia8GapGenJE(int inputTriggerRatio = 5, std::string pathMB = "",std::string pathSignal = "") {
auto myGen = new o2::eventgen::GeneratorPythia8GapGenJE(inputTriggerRatio, pathMB, pathSignal);
auto seed = (gRandom->TRandom::GetSeed() % 900000000);
myGen->readString("Random:setSeed on");
myGen->readString("Random:seed " + std::to_string(seed));
myGen->readString("HardQCD:all = on");
return myGen;
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions MC/config/PWGGAJE/ini/GeneratorJE_gapgen5_hook.ini
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
### jet-jet production with MB Gap 5
### The external generator derives from GeneratorPythia8.
fileName = ${O2DPG_MC_CONFIG_ROOT}/MC/config/PWGGAJE/external/generator/generator_pythia8_gaptrigger_jets_hook.C
funcName = getGeneratorPythia8GapGenJE(5,"${O2DPG_MC_CONFIG_ROOT}/MC/config/PWGGAJE/pythia8/generator/pythia8_minbias.cfg","${O2DPG_MC_CONFIG_ROOT}/MC/config/PWGGAJE/pythia8/generator/pythia8_jet.cfg")
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions MC/config/PWGGAJE/ini/tests/GeneratorJE_gapgen5_hook.C
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@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
int External() {
std::string path{"o2sim_Kine.root"};

float ratioTrigger = 1./5; // one event triggered out of 5

TFile file(path.c_str(), "READ");
if (file.IsZombie()) {
std::cerr << "Cannot open ROOT file " << path << "\n";
return 1;

auto tree = (TTree *)file.Get("o2sim");
std::vector<o2::MCTrack> *tracks{};
tree->SetBranchAddress("MCTrack", &tracks);
o2::dataformats::MCEventHeader *eventHeader = nullptr;
tree->SetBranchAddress("MCEventHeader.", &eventHeader);

int nEventsMB{}, nEventsJetJet{};
float sumWeightsMB{}, sumWeightsJetJet{};
int sumTracks{};
auto nEvents = tree->GetEntries();

for (int i = 0; i < nEvents; i++) {

// check subgenerator information and event weights
if (eventHeader->hasInfo(o2::mcgenid::GeneratorProperty::SUBGENERATORID)) {
bool isValid = false;
int subGeneratorId = eventHeader->getInfo<int>(o2::mcgenid::GeneratorProperty::SUBGENERATORID, isValid);
if (eventHeader->hasInfo(o2::dataformats::MCInfoKeys::weight)) {
float weight = eventHeader->getInfo<float>(o2::dataformats::MCInfoKeys::weight,isValid);
if (subGeneratorId == 0) {
sumWeightsMB += weight;
else if (subGeneratorId == 1) {
sumWeightsJetJet += weight;
sumTracks += tracks->size();

std::cout << "--------------------------------\n";
std::cout << "# Events: " << nEvents << "\n";
std::cout << "# MB events: " << nEventsMB << "\n";
std::cout << " sum of weights for MB events: " << sumWeightsMB << "\n";
std::cout << "# Jet-jet events " << nEventsJetJet << "\n";
std::cout << " sum of weights jet-jet events: " << sumWeightsJetJet << "\n";
std::cout << "# tracks summed over all events (jet-jet + MB): " << sumTracks << "\n";

if (nEventsMB < nEvents * (1 - ratioTrigger) * 0.95 || nEventsMB > nEvents * (1 - ratioTrigger) * 1.05) { // we put some tolerance since the number of generated events is small
std::cerr << "Number of generated MB events different than expected\n";
return 1;
if (nEventsJetJet < nEvents * ratioTrigger * 0.95 || nEventsJetJet > nEvents * ratioTrigger * 1.05) {
std::cerr << "Number of jet-jet generated events different than expected\n";
return 1;
if(nEventsMB < sumWeightsMB * 0.95 || nEventsMB > sumWeightsMB * 1.05) {
std::cerr << "Weights of MB events do not = 1 as expected\n";
return 1;
if(sumTracks < 1) {
std::cerr << "No tracks in simulated events\n";
return 1;
return 0;
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions MC/config/PWGGAJE/pythia8/generator/pythia8_jet.cfg
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# 2 -> 2 jet production, oversampling by pThat^4

### beams
Beams:idA = 2212 # proton
Beams:idB = 2212 # proton
Beams:eCM = 13600. # GeV

### processes
SoftQCD:inelastic = off
HardQCD:all = on

### decays
ParticleDecays:limitTau0 = on
ParticleDecays:tau0Max = 10.

### phase space cuts
PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 5
PhaseSpace:pTHatMax = 600
PhaseSpace:bias2Selection = on
PhaseSpace:bias2SelectionPow = 4
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions MC/config/PWGGAJE/pythia8/generator/pythia8_minbias.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# min. bias events

### beams
Beams:idA = 2212 # proton
Beams:idB = 2212 # proton
Beams:eCM = 13600. # GeV

### processes
SoftQCD:inelastic = on

### decays
ParticleDecays:limitTau0 = on
ParticleDecays:tau0Max = 10.

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