There are numerous algorithms that process a list of values. The purpose of this
algorithm all-hands assignment is to design, implement, test and then use in an
empirical study a tool that can automatically conduct doubling experiments to
measure the performance of an arbitrary list processing algorithm. The tool that
you implement, tentatively called bosco
, should operate in a fashion that is
as general-purpose as is possible. This means that it should, whenever possible,
be able to automatically detect and invoke a list-processing function in a
provided Python source code file, determine the type of list that is input into
that function, and then generate data that is suitable for the purposes of
running a doubling experiment to identify its likely worst-case time complexity.
Ultimately, this algorithm all-hands assignment invites you to apply what you learned in the algorithm analysis course, by implementing a benchmarking framework that operates in the following fashion:
- Accept as input one or more Python source code files that contain one or more functions that perform list processing. For the purposes of creating your benchmarking framework you can assume that all list-processing algorithms will implement some type of function that accepts as input a list and that it will be this list whose contents are doubled during the execution of a doubling experiment.
- Accept as input the fully-qualified name of a list-processing function that should be subject to benchmarking through a doubling experiment.
- Accept as input the description of an input generation procedure that can automatically generate data suitable for the purposes of conducting a doubling experiment to evaluate the performance of the list-processing algorithm.
- Automatically extract the list-processing function from the provided Python source code file(s) and then reflectively invoke the function to sort data that was automatically generated.
- In a series of automatically completed benchmarking rounds, the tool should conduct a doubling experiment by which it generates data sets of increasing size and then uses them to evaluate the performance of the list-processing algorithm.
- The tool should produce diagnostic data that shows the execution time for each round of the doubling experiment, a computed version of the doubling ratio based on the collected data, and a statement about the likely worst-case time complexity suggested by the doubling ratio.
- Your tool must be implemented with the Python programming language and use the Poetry system for managing dependencies and packaging.
- Your tool must provide a command-line interface implemented through the use of Typer and offer command-line arguments that fully support its configuration.
- Your tool can leverage Python source code that you previously implemented as a part of a course project as long as you carefully document the source of any Python code segments.
As you work to build and evaluate this system in a team-based fashion, please keep in mind the following considerations and tasks:
- Organize your class, which comprises the team for this algorithm all-hands
project, into sub-teams organized around completing the following task:
- Infrastructure: Using the provided GitHub repository for the
project, this members of this sub-team will define and implement a process for reviewing and merging the tool's source code, setup and configure GitHub Actions, make releases of the tool to PyPI, and handle all other infrastructure-related tasks. This team is also responsible for setting up and managing the GitHub repository that will contain the list-processing algorithms chosen by the members of the list-processing algorithms sub-team. - Benchmarking Framework: The members of this sub-team will specify,
design, implement, and test the
tool, ensuring that it correctly runs a doubling experiment for any type of list-processing algorithm that meets the stated expectations of the tool. This team will work with the infrastructure team to ensure that their changes are merged into themain
branch of the GitHub repository. The team's members will also work with the team that finds the list-processing algorithms to confirm thatbosco
works correctly for every one of the chosen algorithms. Finally, this team will assist the members of team tasked with the experimental and analytical evaluation, thereby ensuring that they can run the needed experiments. - List-Processing Algorithms: The members of this sub-team will identify
and commit a wide variety of list-processing algorithms, leveraging a
separate GitHub repository that they work with the infrastructure team to
create and manage. The members of this team are also responsible for running
tool on each of the list-processing algorithms and confirming that the tool produces the expected output. When this team discovers thatbosco
does not work correctly for a specific list-processing algorithm, they will work with the members of the benchmarking framework team to ensure that the tool is correctly implemented to handle the identified issue. This team will also assist the team members tasked with performing the experimental and analytical evaluation to ensure that they can run the needed experiments. - Experimental and Analytical Evaluation: The members of this sub-team
will complete the article published to the algorithm all-hands section of
the Algorithmology web site. In addition to writing the article, the members
of this team will perform a preliminary analytical evaluation of each
function identified by the team tasked with finding the list-processing
algorithms. The team members will use the results of their analytical
evaluation to guide their use of the completed
tool when running a doubling experiment to evaluate the performance of each algorithm. This team will also write the final report and work with the course instructor to publish it to the Algorithmology web site by the following Friday.
- Infrastructure: Using the provided GitHub repository for the
- Meet in your assigned groups to discuss how your team is going to design, implement, test, and evaluate your benchmarking framework. Make sure that you give your benchmarking framework a descriptive name that reflects its purpose.
- Discuss with your team members which GitHub repository you are going to use to coordinate your work. As you make this decision, please bear in mind that the final version of your framework will be transferred to the course's GitHub organization and so that it may be considered for use in follow-on projects.
- Specify, design, and implement a benchmarking framework that supports the experimental evaluation of any list-processing algorithm function that you and your team members agree your benchmarking framework should support.
- Collect a group of list-processing algorithms and use them to conduct a series of doubling experiments that experimentally evaluate their performance with the ultimate goal of determining which algorithm is the fastest and characterizing the likely time complexity of each algorithm.
- Write and publish on the course web site a blog post that explains (a) how you designed and implemented your benchmarking framework, (b) the list-processing functions that you chose to use in your doubling experiments, (c) the runtime results from your experimental study with the benchmarking framework that you implemented and (d) the running time results from an analytical evaluation that you conducted. Your blog post should clearly articulate (a) whether or not the experimental and analytical results for your function are in alignment with each other, (b) what is most likely to be the realistic runtime and true running time of a list-processing function, and (c) why you judge that your function has this runtime and running time.
- Present your findings to the entire class during the following week of the academic semester during the follow-on algorithm all-hands session. One member from each of the sub-teams should play a role in the presentation given during the algorithm all-hands session.
- Please note that all of the work that you complete for this assignment should be published to the course web site. Following the aforementioned requirements for each of the sub-teams, your overall team must create and contribute to a pull request on the course web site's GitHub repository and ensure that your work is reviewed, revised, and published in advance of the Friday class session for next week. Importantly, your implementation of the benchmarking framework and the list-processing algorithms should be available in one or more additional GitHub repositories that are referenced in the blog post that you write.
It is important to point out that your repository for this project was created from the GitHub repository template called list-processing-tools-starter; you can check this repository for any updates to this project's documentation or source code! Finally, the teams and their corresponding functions will be assigned through an announcement in Discord; check there for more details!
Even though the course instructor will have covered all of the concepts central to this project before you start to work on it, please note that not every detail needed to successfully complete the assignment will have been covered during prior classroom sessions. This is by design as an important skill that you must practice as an algorithm engineer is to search for and then understand and ultimately apply the technical content found in additional resources.
TODO: Please make sure that you complete and document the following steps:
TODO: Sign your pledge in this file to indicate that you adhered to the Honor Code while completing this assignment.
TODO: Provide a reference to the GitHub repository that your team used to store the work that your sub-team completed. Make sure to count and report the number of commits that you made to this GitHub repository.
TODO: Add a reference to the blog post that you and your team members wrote.
TODO: Write at least two sentences to explain the key role(s) that you played in completing this team-based project. Your response to this part of the question should carefully explain the role that you took in your assigned sub-team and how you contributed to the completion of the overall project.
TODO: Write at least one sentence to describe the contributions of each of the other people who are in your sub-team.