- Analyse DNA methylation from Koichi data with the Focal_disruption_of_DNA_methylation approach
- Compare Good and Bad responder at Baseline -> DMR_Response
- Compare Baseline and CD34+ -> DMR IDH
- Response specific DMR
- Compare Good and Bad responder at post treatment -> DMR residuel
- Compare Post and Baseline -> DMR treatment
- (DMR residuel - DMR traitement) union with Response specific DMR
- Compare Response specific DMR with IDH specific DMR from Focal_disruption_of_DNA_methylation WGBS.
- Monday: Subculture
- Wednesday: Subculture
- Friday: Subculture
- Prepare experiments protocol for next week
- Change DMRs threshold
- Change overlap parameters
- Associate genes and DMRs from both analysis
- Analyse IDH1 & IDH2 mutation separately
- Investigate DMRs location and compare to their DMR WGBS analysis
- Monday: Subculture [DONE]
- Tuesday: +/- AGI
- Wednesday: Subculture
- Friday: Subculture +/- AGI
- Prepare 20.01.2022 presentation
- Biblio on specific genes like:
- Biblio on how to analyse WGBS data
- Experimental and Bioinformatic Approaches to Studying DNA Methylation in Cancer and relative papers
- Look at WGBS data
Write clear protocols
- facs preparation
- Western blot
Read Scenith paper
Monday: Subculture
Thursday: Cell seeding
Friday (The whole day):
- Facs preparation
- Protein pellet preparation
- Setting date up ave les membres du Comité de thèse
- Biblio:
- Continue looking at RelA and MYC
- Continue managing WGBS data.
- Compute with DSS package the input data made
- Analyse data with FlowJo
- Finish preparing Western blot for Tuesday
- Analyse results of Western blots
- Help Emeline with mice experiments
- End of the week: ask news about the doodle
- Prepare some presentation plan
- List biblio to read for thesis committee.
- Biblio:
- Continue looking at RelA and Myc
- Continue managing WGBS data
- Compute WGBS data
- Look at last week results
- Redo secondary AA on NF-kB prots
- Prepare some presentation plan
- List biblio to read for thesis committee
- Start using Prism
- List figures done
- Make the presentation
- Have a clear plan (not too long not too short)
- Redo some figures with Prism (if it takes not too long time)
- Make a summary of DNA methylation analysis
- Read paper on Scenith
- Reread paper on viper and MSviper
- Reread paper on ChAMP
- Reread Lucille Paper
- Continue biblio on Myc and its targets, CREB1, STAT3, HIF1a, SREBP1, BCL2
- Make back-up slides
- Formation k-mers
- Do some literature on k-mers