- Business process
- User stories and cases
- Metrics
- Functional Requirements
- Development tasks
DD-1. As a customer of the Delivery service, I want get delivery fee discount so that a my order will be cheaper.
Note: I always want to get most profitable suggestion on a market.
DD-2. As a manager of the Delivery service, I want increase cost of orders so that it gets more revenue.
Note: I keep track at a business metrics, and the revenue is one of them.
Actors | Customer, Delivery Platform, Mobile App |
Stackholders | Manager |
Preconditions |
Triggers | Customer adds item in basket by Mobile App |
Main success scenario |
Alternative paths |
Alt case 1
Actors | Customer, Delivery Platform, Mobile App |
Stackholders | Manager |
Preconditions |
Triggers | Customer adds item in basket by Mobile App |
Main success scenario |
Alternative paths |
Alt case 1
Actors | Manager, Delivery Platform |
Stackholders | Customer |
Preconditions |
Triggers | A forecast of the revenue metric doesn't rich target value |
Main success scenario |
Alternative paths |
Alt case 1
- ARPDAU (average revenue per daily active user). This value shows dynamic changes revenue before/after suggest of the discount.
- DAU which accepted the suggest. This value shows interest of a Customer to the discount.
- Forecast ARPMAU (average revenue per monthly active user). Accept decision about suggest the discount depends from changes of this value.
- Count of attempts when quantity of items didn't available.
- Count of attempts when a Customer's favorite item didn't available.
- Count of attempts when a Customer was continuing to make order with minimal the discount.
- DAU per Use case which accepted the suggest.
Use case: DD-1.1 - A Customer gets the discount after added new items in a basket
Code | Name | Description |
DD-1.1-1 | Settings for the discount | User with Manager role must gets opportunity set up Target value of basket cost for Delivery fee discount, discount grid on Delivery Platform. Discount grid contains from values the settings above which correlates each other - if basket cost more then discount more. Max value of Delivery fee discount = 100% |
DD-1.1-2 | Consider the discount settings in algorithm of calculate basket cost value | Delivery Platform must considers the discount settings (DD-1.1-1) in algorithm of calculate basket cost value. New algorithm TBD |
DD-1.1-3 | Suggestion discount for Customer | Delivery Platform makes suggestion of Delivery fee discount to Customer by Mobile App. Suggestion appears per each Customer's order which reached Target basket cost for discount. Delivery Platform recalculate discount after each change of basket cost |
DD-1.1-4 | Dashboard for metrics of feature | Reporting services should has a dashboard with business and technical metrics of feature. Metrics was describe in separate file "Metrics" |
1. Create new table Discount grid.
2. Change algorithm of calculate basket cost value - include in the formula new variable for Delivery fee discount which is subtracted from the cost total. The variable takes a value within depends from include the cost total between neighbours value of discount grid. Max value for "Discount" field = 100.
3. Add new attributes in response GET /app/v1/calculate to Mobile App: "extra_sum_disc":int.
Formula if CalcCost greater than Minimal Target Cost in the grid: extra_sum_disc = min(TargetCost) - CalcCost
Formula if CalcCost between two values Target Cost in the grid: extra_sum_disc = max(TargetCost) - CalcCost
1. UserStory
2. Use case
3. REQ
1. If there is attribute "extra_sum_disc" in response GET /app/v1/calculate by Delivery platform the Mobile App shows Customer suggest pop-up with this additional amount diff.
2. Show extra items on the main screen and on the screen of basket. Extra items must be able to available for order.
UI/UX mockups attached by link.
1. UserStory
2. Use case
3. Figma mockup
1. Create Dashboard at table view include all metrics of new feature - Delivery fee discount.
2. Create Dashboard at bar chart with comparison plan/fact for ARPDAU.
1. UserStory
2. Use case
3. REQ - DD-1.1-4