Nagraj, V. P., Scholz, M., Jessa, S., Ge, J., Woerner, A. E., Huang, M., Budowle, B., & Turner, S. D. (2022). vcferr: Development, validation, and application of a single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping error simulation framework. F1000Research, 11, 775.
Cloning this repo and building locally:
git clone [email protected]:signaturescience/nrc.git
cd nrc
docker build --no-cache -t nrc .
Or pull directly from the GitHub Container Registry:
docker pull
docker tag nrc
Usage: docker run nrc [-s sample] [-T targets.vcf.gz] <1.vcf.gz> <2.vcf.gz>
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) nrc exampledata/a.vcf.gz exampledata/b.vcf.gz
rrrr rrra rraa rarr rara raaa aarr aara aaaa xrr xra xaa x m mm xm total nrd nrc disc conc rr ra aa p_rrra p_rraa p_rarr p_raaa p_aarr p_aara
21 1 2 3 17 4 5 6 13 3 7 11 21 30 51 51 72 0.412 0.588 0.292 0.708 24 24 24 0.0417 0.0833 0.125 0.167 0.208 0.25
Both VCF files must be bgzip-compressed and indexed (either tabix
or bcftools index
). By default with no options, nrc is using bcftools to compare all samples against all other samples. If you have two VCFs each with one sample (the same sample), this will work as written. If you have two multisample VCFs, you must specify the name of the sample from both VCFs you want to compare, using the -s
argument, which is passed to bcftools stats -s/--sample
. E.g.:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) nrc -s sample1 exampledata/a.vcf.gz exampledata/b.vcf.gz
Additionally, the -T
argument can accept a site VCF or TSV which is further passed to bcftools stats -T/--targets-file
, limiting the comparison only to these targets. This is useful to restrict analysis to, for example, sites that have at least X% minor allele frequency from GnomAD, given that filtered site VCF. Example usage:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) nrc -s sample1 -T sites.vcf.gz exampledata/a.vcf.gz exampledata/b.vcf.gz
Running with -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd)
assumes vcf1 and vcf2 live in the current working directory. Alternatively, the default workdir in the container is /data
, so you could mount a path to your data to /data
and run as such:
docker run --rm -v /path/to/host/nrc/exampledata:/data nrc /data/a.vcf.gz /data/b.vcf.gz
Example data from this repo is copied to the container in /exampledata
. To debug or experiment, jump into the container interactively with:
docker run --rm -it --entrypoint /bin/ash -w /exampledata nrc
Nonreference concordance (nrc
in the output) is calculated as disc
and conc
in the output, respectively) are calculated conventionally, also using the number of homozygous reference matches
The container script is running bcftools stats followed by post-processing in R to pull out the relevant info.
Metric | Value | Definition |
rrrr | 21 | Count of RR to RR matches |
rrra | 1 | Count of RR to RA mismatches |
rraa | 2 | Count of RR to AA mismatches |
rarr | 3 | Count of RA to RR mismatches |
rara | 17 | Cunt of RA to RA matches |
raaa | 4 | Count of RA to AA mismatches |
aarr | 5 | Count of AA to RR mismatches |
aara | 6 | Count of AA to RA mismatches |
aaaa | 13 | Count of AA to AA matches |
xrr | 3 | Count of RR mismatches |
xra | 7 | Count of RA mismatches |
xaa | 11 | Count of AA mismatches |
x | 21 | xrr + xra + xaa |
m | 30 | mra + maa |
mm | 51 | mra + maa + rrrr |
xm | 51 | x + m |
total | 72 | x + m + mrr |
nrd | 0.4120 | Nonreference discordance (1-NRC) |
nrc | 0.5880 | Nonreference concordance (1-NRD) |
disc | 0.292 | Overall discordance (counting RRRR) |
conc | 0.708 | Overall concordance (counting RRRR) |
rr | 24 | Total count of RR homozygotes |
ra | 24 | Total count of RA heterozygotes |
aa | 24 | Total count of AA homozygotes |
p_rrra | 0.0417 | rrra / rr |
p_rraa | 0.0833 | rraa / rr |
p_rarr | 0.1250 | rarr / ra |
p_raaa | 0.1670 | raaa / ra |
p_aarr | 0.2080 | aarr / aa |
p_aara | 0.2500 | aara / aa |