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Releases: AlexFolland/turbo


04 Jul 10:54
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This is a Windows build from GCC of the commit tagged "2017-07-04-release-2". This version polls the timer a little more often to improve consistency of frame alignment. It polls 8 times per frame instead of 4 times per frame. This does affect performance, but it's negligible.


04 Jul 09:13
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This is a Windows build from GCC of the commit tagged "2017-07-04-release". It has a few minor optimizations; notably, only polling 4 times per frame at the target frame rate to reduce CPU usage. It uses 0.01%-0.02% in my testing on an i7-2600K CPU. The instructions should be visible upon running the program, but in case they're not, use Alt or Numpad0 to mash the space bar 50 times per second, Z or Numpad4 to flip-walk left, C or Numpad6 to flip-walk right, and X or Numpad5 to alternate left and right arrow keys 50 times per second.


14 Feb 21:04
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This is a Windows build from GCC of the commit tagged "2017-02-14-release". It uses a new method for accurate timing. It uses only 0.04% CPU in my tests. The instructions should be visible upon running the program, but in case they're not, use Alt or Numpad0 to mash the space bar 50 times per second, Z or Numpad4 to flip-walk left, C or Numpad6 to flip-walk right, and X or Numpad5 to alternate left and right arrow keys 50 times per second.